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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (Ooc: Heck, me too, but well, love can bloom, even in the heart of twelve years old fox and 15 something used-to-be ghist girl. Beside it's all dylan's fault anyway.Not that I'm joyg watching skye genuinely happy for once.) Their embrace lasted for what appeared an eternity , As none wanted to let go of the other . and after this kiss ... Tikal finally found what lacked in her life : someone. This special someone whom you want to be with all the time; that soecial someone ... that you could love . "Skye." She said in a low voice, so only The one who got her heart could hear ."I...I...I love you." And she tightened her grip on him,"I know it happenned so fast but ... I know you are the one, the one who got my heart ." "I know it , because you just gave me yours , i can feel it...Inside .I wish for this moment to never stop too." ---------------------- not so far , invisible near the forest's entrance , Spectre was stal-... watching them from afar. From where he was, he could see everything, and hear everything too. But he decided not to take action, yet. (Stalking Spectre is watching you shipping away.) ------///-//----------- "Well, you arr kinda good at it ! Sure, you started sloppy , but you hand/eye coordination seems to maje up for it." Said Honey, amazed."What were you in another life , a ninja or what?" (Ooc: That's the thing when writing several character in several different locations...)
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Huh, the joystick is to move your character. the, the different buttons allow you to punch, kick, and use your weapon, at different level of damage. And you combine them to do some combos, and even special attacks!" ---------------------------------------------------------- (ooc: Let's be kind with the both of them. Just this once.) As skye took her hand, Tikal started to blush."Skye.....I-I think I...." And without thinking she took him in her arms and gave him a warm kiss. As she did so, the feeling of warmth in her body got even stronger. Would this be... that feeling she only ever dreamed of? At the moment, she didn't care, She was with Skye, and it was all that mattered. (oow: Aww.Looks like we just got another ship on sail :D)
  3. I did something Terrible.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Um... terrible is not how I'd describe it

    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Excrutiating it be.

    3. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      I think you might be going a little too far...

    4. Show next comments  705 more
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc:I see what you did there.But I'm going for something more...classical.) "Well, then, How 'bout this?" As Honey took the half-robotised rabbit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "As for me, I not only see you as a cute fox... I seems to see something else.. Something I haven't felt before, in all my life...It's warm, and make me feel better... I too, think you are worth more for me than I first though." (ooc: Is this going to slip where we all think it's going to slip? Unless Skye chicken out at the last minute....)
  5. Last to post wins v3.0

    I did something terrible. AND I REGRET NOTHING.
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Then , maye we can help each other? We try to tell how we feel to the other, And we try to put that together, ok?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (ooc: Your call.) "Let's see, if you'll get a good one."
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Shall I remind you what did the DEL spend the last whole year on? Shooting WERE-mobians, that were out to eat them. So after that, Anything seem legit." ----------------------------------------------------- (ooc: to be quick, Honey was an hidden character in the original game. She was quite powerful at that.So , if melody try to attack her in real, she'l know how to handle herself.) "Ok then." and Honey put a coin in the slot."Which character will you take?" ------------------------------------------------- "Skye? Is anything wrong? To be fair, I must say my own feeling about what's happening are quite confuse... you are more logic than me on this, would you help me out ?" Said Tikal.
  8. Last to post wins v3.0

    BBBBAAAALLLLLLDDDDDDDDD. How I'm feeling when I type there.
  9. Last to post wins v3.0

    New sonic : lost world Teaser. Soon: A terrible thing.
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I don't mind. It's just... It's been so long since someone gave me a compliment on how I look like." Said Tikal smiling."It make me feel like a girl again." ------------------------------------------------------ "So, you want to try? Ok.Wanna do it alone or against someone?" (Ooc: It's going to be one-sided, And if you played sonic the fighter, you might know why.)
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Time crisis.... In mobius.... Shad. Please. Try to be more imaginative in your naming. The last Time crisis in Mobius must be the one left in the ruins of NY.) "Hey Melody, Look at that! That latest FIGTHERS!!! Want a go at it?" Said Honey -------------------------- "Yeah, Blaze, And Cheerleader... We promised we'd help him out, but we didn't got the time to....." ----------------------------- "Pretty ?? Cute?Aww, that's..." Tikal started to blush." Ho my, you are making me blush..."
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thing is, melody, has a vacation center, no matter where we go, there will always have something to do." Said Honey. -------------------------------------------- "You look you could use some company too."
  13. Last to post wins v3.0

  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yes. But also about you." ------------------------------------------------ "It's a Vacation center. there actually is a lot to do!!!"
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Or she might break my neck about how I'm taking care of these two child better than Kuckles. By the way, What is he doing? He disappeared , just like this cheerleader, that skunk, and this Strange cat princess...." ---------------------------------------------- "And words aren't enough to tell you How I feel right now." Said Tikal. ---------------------------------------------- "Now, let's get back to business. Where to next?"
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I see. poor knuckles.." said Tikal."AS for the other guardians.... Well, with the way they have been educated, it's became kinda hard for them to express their feeling, let alone talk to me. They try they best, but it's unfortunaly enough." She took a bite ."But I hope that with you around, I'll get more luck." ------------------------------------------------------- "He won't, For we are going to hide it in the only place a man as never been in his life: The girl's closet !!!"
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Few actually knows. Then, after this little incident with Chao, More got to learn of my existence. But only a few still are bold enough to talk to me." SAid Tikal."The Guardian have no such needs as they have a special connection to the stone itself, allowing them to speak with their own though.It's nice, But What I craved for wass actual people staying near me, Like knuckles used too." ---------------------------------------------------------- "Oh well, that would be a problem..." Said Honey."And here we are. The room where me and Glen are sleeping for the week."
  18. Last to post wins v3.0

    They still all get erased from existence after the original's one death..
  19. Last to post wins v3.0

    But then he lost his memory and become good. haha
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Oh thank you." As Tikal took the cup of tea. She then Took a plate and helped herself with What was around. ------------------------------------------------------ "That's so devious...... Let's hope it happen to have such a fonction."
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Well, in that case, I'm sure it's going to be something to remember!!!" Said Honey with glee, as she lead the others toward her hotel Room. ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Nothing nothing." Said Tikal , before laughing. "You really are adorable. And all these thing you brought to me....That's so nice of you. How about we eat now?" -----------------------------
  22. Last to post wins v3.0

    who care ?
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'll mostly try to survive her wrath dylan.And then, she'll probably get to see Red , and Crowley , and Melody, and Then Skye... I shudder to think about how she might react ." ------------------------------------- "Well, then let's go to my room then. We don't want to break the surprise right ?" -------------------------------- "Well, I'll enjoy myself with a few treat , But as long as you are not in the menu ...."Said Tikal .
  24. Last to post wins v3.0

    We all know how this ended up: As a draw.
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "My my, It appear that someone has an appetite today." Said Tikal . -------------------------- "how did that happenned ? The phone rang, and I did the mistake to answer.Well, she is a nice woman though..." -----/---------------------- "Marvelous, that's one less problem to take care of." Said Honey.
