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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, Enjoy your pool of soda! I wish to be very good with a violin.
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Well, I tell you what, There was a time I beat the crap out of a Polar bear!!!!" Joked Honey."And then there is this thing called 'Cooperation'. That's what make victory easier for everyone." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yes, you are right. Denying thing is not the right way to do it; and neither is crying over your guilt. I'll try to move on." Said Glen."It's nice to be the one on the receiving end from time to time."
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Melody? MELODY!!!! Hope!!!! Quick, how do we stop that game? Melody isn't right at the moment!!!" Honey shouted at Hope. "Melody, calm down. i'm here, it's going to be alright.You are not going to die, oh no you won't." Honey tried her best to comfort melody. ------------------------------------------ "I try to care about people.That's one of the few things I have left around: caring" Said Glen."Because I know I'm still a good person deep inside."
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hey!!" Honey catched Melody by the arm."Going down already?but we just got started." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I know. But that's also a way of showing that I trust him."
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hey! watch out!!!" ----------------------------------------- "Because I felt he needed it more than I do. Something to hold on to."
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: injured) "Hey boy, I think you angered him." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It hold my dearest treasure: two pictures. one of my mother, as a reminder of happier times; and the other.... is blank, as I keep it for this special someone. one who deserve the right of being kept as good memories, even after being long gone."
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    And then , Robo robotnik from the future meeting present robotnik.... that was.... littteraly mind-screwing.
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "ha.ha.ha. Wonderful." As She ran to nearest cover, A grenade blew up, nearly sending her flying."Hey, I'm a cat, not a bird." --------------------------------------------- "Or I'm just living a quite crazy life." Glen then though about what she asked."Skye? well..... I didn't mean to hurt him. I mostly found a way to repair things, But I do hope he'll take care of the pendant I gave him. It's worthing a lot to me."
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Yeah, it's a miracle he didn't try to backstab himself when he met the "Penders" Robotnik.
  10. Corrupt a Wish

    WRONG! You can never have too much free time. Granted, it's closed for the Day. I wish for more chocolate.
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hope you are having fun you two! I'm totally not being pinned down by ennemy soldiers!!!!" -------------------------------------------------------------- "thing is, I wasn't making a joke. The massage thing actually happenned you know?" Answered glen. " As for Skye...."
  12. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    That didn't stop him to pull out that almost backstabbing moment during the Xorda arc. It's almost a good thing the Alien had a technology repulsor .
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Wolverine? really? Are you out of your mind or something......" As honey talking, some ennemies appeared, probably to get their attention out of the boss. They started by shooting on Honey . "AH GADOMMNIT !! THAT HURT!" She then proceed to shout back. -------------------------------------------------------------- "Why thank you." Said Glen as he kept on. "Coming out just wrong? Any .... exemple?"
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Or During the alien invasion arc.
  15. Sonic Lost World

    I'm sure they got some in Brazil. As for Australia..... They banned Fallout and made the use of some video games illegal. try to find a reason why they don't have such Convention.
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Look at that! She's a natural!!!" ------------------------------------------------------------ "One of thoses time?What do you mean? I wass just taking care of her back. seriously, when I got my hand on her, she was so tense one could eat breakfast on her back without any risk of shaking." said glen, completely missing the point.
  17. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    He fought the furry menace , you know?
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Look at that thing !!! Wait.... I think it has.... Something in his back!!!! Like.. some kind of power core or something... maybe if we destroy them all , we'll be able to take it down." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh well, It's a good thing too. Last time I did a massage to a woman, it was in the DEL . The way she shouted almost got me the suspicous sight of many peoples around once I was done." Said Glen as he started.
  19. Last to post wins v3.0

    So true.
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Wait! Let's first have a look at it. We can't just randomly shoot at something from afar if we don't have a clue of WHERE to shoot! It's senseless waste of ammo." ------------------------------------ "I am knowledgable of many things, both mundane and unique ; including but not limited to : massage." Answered Glen. "Many kind of massage."
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Peoples? I Think the big thing in the background..... Is not part of the background." Honey stated (ooc: Hurray for the painkiller reference!!!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Haha, probably." Glen took a look at her foot." Well, let's take of the ice. After that, maybe i'll give it a massage, just in case."
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Just tell us we won't have to blow up the ship, hope....." Said Honey. " Anyone receiving new objectives ?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, that sound like an heavy agenda . thank aurora you won't have to endure it alone"
  23. Last to post wins v3.0

    It's ok, It's ok.
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: how about an legionnized dragon , who also happen to be an abusive boyfriend? Maybe I shouldn't have read that issue of sonic.) "Yeah , yeah, I'm ready." Honey was now fully equiped . But it was less visible than Hope . mobilty is the moto here after all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hum.......maybe . Yeah, I guess I'll do that." Said Glen. "And what about you?"
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Ok, now all she need is at least 50 lbs worth of muscle, and she'll be ready to go against anything!!" Joked honey . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Refuel you say ? I wonder how one do that....." Glen though about it for a moment. "Hum, it's true that I live way too much in the past.. kinda ironic for someone that comes from a technology-worshipping group, don't you think? Maybe I should just turn this page of my life "
