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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Last to post wins v3.0

    As you glare over my dare, I win this fare. It's Alright.
  2. Free play mania 1.0

    DON'T. EVER. Now let's have some spooky chaos.
  3. Last to post wins v3.0

    Once again, the win I gain.
  4. Ken Penders Topic...

    So....No dark brotherhood 2 for us. No penders, No !!!
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: I got mad over writing. I'm so cray when I want.)
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "well....." Sarted Red. ----------------- Glen got up and moved toward zionna. He gace her a hug."I won't be long." as Glen moved out of the hug, the place changed , slowly turning into another place. It was the entance of the radio tower / hotel of Sansblast city. The place was completely deserted, bare Glen And the group. Glen moved toward the door, with his radio speaking alongside him."So you finally came. Welcome Glen." The dreamscape changed once again, turning into the inside of first floor of the hotel . from afar could be heard a voice ."Sargent, over here !" Gleb Followed the voice , leading him in front of a group of soldier. They were from both the DEL and Sandblast Freedom fighter . "Sargent , this is what is left of the expeditionnary force . we are at your orders." "Where is he? Where is the Baron?" Asked Glen. "Where he always was sir; waiting for you upstairs."Simply stated The soldier. Glen moved with less difficulties, as if ignoring the aching pain from his limbs... He eventually got in the elevator , with the radio speaking again. "You did it Glen. You did the only thing isolation and sandstorm weren't able to do: You destroyed my soldiers." The elevator stopped , warping the dream as glen got throught the door , allowing for everyone a first place seat for the things that would happen, wether they wanted or not. "Tell me Glen . just between us , when you saw my work , what did you think?"The voice spoke clearly this time , without the static of the radio to mask it. "I though it was the work of a madman..... " answered Glen. "If I went crazy , things would have been way more easier for everyone ." stated the voice... "But it wasn't thecase unfortunaly. I am as sane as you are." Glen moved around . the place was an Hotel room , in what appeared to be the last floor. Outside , one could see Sandblast city in it's full glory, with the desert on the other side . The town was now a shell of it's former glory. "Glen, When you'll be done going through the whole appartment , I'll need you upstairs." Glen worked his way on the last stairs . And for the first time in Years, Finally got to see the Baron . He was Painting. "My work is finally over Glen , And not a moment sooner , as you just came in."
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (Ooc: Or the forest... WAS THE SWEETSHOP ALL ALONG . plot twist.) Mendez saw the two kids being affraid ."Darn, Am i that terrible to look at ?" Glen answered."I guess what you did sooner kinda scared them...." "I don't blame you for my death. I'm not sure about Selmo. He was my, he was our friend, and now he is gone, just as much as I am.the whole thing got worse before it got any better..... And the most terrible thing? We left you behind to support all the weigh of those actions... " Mendez took another breath."Please Glen, Let's end this. Or else, thing will stay the same, and no one is going to be able to go home...." "Home?" Asked Glen"But where is home?" "You'll tell me once you'll be done with the baron man...." "Yeah, you are probably right." Glen took upon himself to get up, He was obviously in pain, but that didn't really stopped him. "Alright. I'm going in." "I knew you had it in you. good luck ."And on these word , Mendez left , disapearing as mysteriously as he came. "anyone coming ?"Asked Glen. ------------------------------------------ "If only I could be sure of this , sweetie."
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    The wolf moved toward Glen,Passing through Skye. "I'm dead glen. I said it myself : Everyone had to die one day. It just happenned sooner Than I ever though....." Glen tried to avoid Mendez's stare Mendez's voice got a bit softer."Hey,Glen. Are you Listening? it's over for me, it's over for Selmo. not for you. Now, take care of it. You still have to finish what you started , wether you like it or not." "I know." "then move out." ---------------------------------------------------------------- "You aren't well cutie. You aren't well at all."
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Bad things kid, very bad things." Said A very bulky Wolf "Right Glen?" Glen couldn't handle the sight of his old friend."This is understatement Mendez, right?" "If only. Worse is not even enough to describe everything." "What about Selmo?" Glen was almost affraid of the answer. "It's your fault pal, you handle it. You are the one with his blood on your hands." "Think this is funny for me? It was their fault! they were the one who attacked !" "Still playing the same song? Get back into reality man ! EVERYONE IS DEAD ! AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!!! WHY ? 'CAUSE YOU WANTED TO SEE SOME COOL OLD GUY YOU JUST HAPPENNED TO WORK WITH BEFORE." "Stop it !" "What the Deal ? Can't handle the truth? Can't handle how much of a failure you are? Really, in a way, selmo is the lucky one. At least he is dead. Pretty sure PTSD would not suit him well anyways..." "Just stop it...." Said Glen. ---------------------------------- "i wouldn't worry about that Mina" Sadi Red."He is a big boy. If someone play hard on him, he'll retaliate."
  10. Art requests for BlueBlur62391

    Don't worry, you aren't killing anything ^^ , it's just that we are quite busy outside the forum.... Since I like you, here is a little request : Do a chibii Julie-su with Lien-da ;D Something cute obviously.
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    That's for sure. But I think that's what was wanted .
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "That can't be , that can't be......." at the moment, out of nowhere, Glen's radio started to work,Everyone could hear it. "It is Glen. it is.You didn't honestly believed every single one of the lies they threw at you , did you?" The voice kept on."Or maybe you did." Glen fell on his knee."Glen, I'd like you to come. I'd like you to come and see me." Glen answered."I can't. I CAN'T. YOU ARE DEAD. HOW COULD I TALK TO SOMEONE WHO DIED? TELL ME!" As he took the radio. The voice simply answered."Why should everything be difficult? I don't want you to fight. I just want to speak with a man I grew to respect, and who did the same for me." Glen answered back."What if I don't want to? If you are talking to me, what happenned to sandblast city?What happenned to the people I tried to save?" The voice simply and calmly answered again."This is a question only YOU can answer, Glen. You know. You always knew. now please, get up, and come to see me. Some friends might help you If you want." On these words, two soldier appeared. They clothes were dirty, obviously baked in sand. Yet, they still held some sort of pride. "Sargent, The Baron is waiting for you." "And where is he?" "Where he always was." As Glen got up, one could feel a change, not only in glen's Behavior, but also clothing. He wasn't in a good shape anymore. Covered in bandage here and there , Baked blood . a face that almost seemed half-burned. His military uniform completely torn up, leaving his arms unprotected.And his eyes..... He was a far cry from what he was Back in the DEL coumpound. --------------------------------------- "It's alright Mina." Said Red." Some people are loner. All we can do is simply following them, and providing help and friendship when they need it the most." As she took her shoulder."Don't worry."
  13. Free play mania 1.0

    It's a good fanfiction. A rare sight in the sonic community. :)
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Because they would give up for good." Said Red."Alone, a killer will always goes back to his work, as he got the taste of blood in his mouth.... But if someone is with him, someone that understand, the killing has a chance to stop." -------------------------------------------- "That's quite ridiculous...." Said Glen."That cannot not be real. It's a joke, right?A really badly elaborated one I'm sure...." He was smiling , but his behavior as a proof that he wasn't in his right mind at the moment. "it is not , I'm affraid." Said Locke.
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Skye..." Said Tikal."Well, I'm going to do it then...." She kept on."Glen, Zionna, Everything you are living now... is not real... It's... it's a dream. A beautiful one, but still a dream..." Glen was under shock, learning what he just did. --------- "Long term ?" Said Red."I have heard of killers settling down and living with another one . The way they lived, they could understand each other , and put both heart at ease as they try to move away from such a terrible past." She kept on."But it is not what you, or crowley would want...." (ooc: Since skye is fan of music, here is a little something to play along with the "reveal" )
  16. Off-Topic Thread

    So bad..... :D I'm jealous of it :)
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "What the deal Skye ? Got something to say ? Then do it ." Said Glen , smiling ."Zionna , come over here, The fox got something to tell us." " be quick." Said Locke." the longer you take, the harder it'll be..." ----------/-/ "Oh I can't believe sensei looked at me!"Said Red in a very cheesy voice. "I'm so happy." She said Before squealing, obviously making fun of Mina behavior at the moment."But seriously, if you wanna end up in bed with him , do it now, or grow out of it. It will only get creepier..."
  18. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Yeah , They really are the sonic artist of this generation for the Blue blur. Honorable mention all the way man!
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It's almost adorable ." Said Red. ----////-//---- "What do we make of it?" Said Glen."Well, it's a nice place that's for sure."
  20. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    I always though it was the way Sonic should have been drawn back in the day. It looked laid back and funny. But ir could also convey serious emotions too (Have you seen the way Patch and Locke were drawn soletimes ?) . But now that I saw all these new artists , Even if Gray is my all time favorite, the others deserve a mention :)
  21. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Gray is actually want drawn me back to the comic. The way he made the character was extremly apealing to me in general; cartoony for sure , but also scary at times.
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Nope. No excuses." Said Locke."But there are more pressing matter. So I'll let it slide for now." "That's kinda strange, because she does remember me guys." Said Glen, As he got closer to the group."What's up anyways?" --------------------- "Nothing my wings !" Said red."I know you , and nothing is not part of your vocabulary." As she let go of her."But if Crowley is Ok with that....."
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Red took Mina by the shoulder "Don't." ---------------------------------------- "Meh, she might be too young to remember you all I guess." Said Glen. "Or maybe she just don't want to...." "Skye......What did Red said about Swearing?" SAid Locke.
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Well, I Think I have seen this little fox before ...." Said Locke."Wait! It's zionna!" --------------------------- Red simply rolled her eyes. "ah, what can I say...."
  25. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Like I said, It was mostly bad, But Gray's art is what save the whole thing for me.
