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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Free play mania 1.0

    Meh, That's good. I always wanted a free walkman. Oh, comme c'est adorable, un anglais qui pige La langue de Molière, cela est plutôt dans cette contrée perdue.
  2. Ken Penders Topic...

    The Penders is watching. No one can Lock him. He'll be back.
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Wether it's shadow or crowley, they are being hypocritical, and asses.)
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I don't want to look this way. But I got so tired that I just don't care anymore...." ------------------------------------------------------------ glen was the one shooting, aiming at the celing, before dropping his gun, and falling to his knee. The world was coming back to normal...Or as normal as it once was. "Some tries to deny what's in front of them.Some tries to fight it. But few have to power to accept it. To accept a part of responsabilities in such event, To accept the truth.... Long ago, you would have shot me." "I guess I grew old and weary." "This is supposed to be my line." Said Baron, smiling once again."You grew wise..... Terrible things happenned, but after all that, after all these fight, You can at least go home.It's time Glen." "But home... To who? This time, I'm completely alone..." The baron looked at Glen."I think I saw a little girl running away when you shot at the ceiling. Maybe you should check up on her." "Zionna !" Glen was terrified. He had it hard enough, but even then, he didn't want anyone else to suffer from the situation... "Don't worry , she is fine. As long as you'll be there, she'll be fine. I just hope she'll does the same for you." "Baron..." "Like I said, It's over Glen. You made it where I found my downfall. Go home. You successfully held the line. Goodbye." Glen is alone. Alone on this balcony.
  5. Last to post wins v3.0

    Respect you shall have, Or I'll make you Behave.
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: let's end this.) Glen didn't know Zionna was actually there now. "You are no hero. your talent lies.... elsewhere.." Said The baron."But as the lies stacked up and stacked up, and you couldn't eventually deny the truth much longer, you did something else completely : You created your own." "That's Not real, that's a Lie." "You are right.There is a lie." The world around the balcony was slowly fading to black, leaving only Glen, The baron, and an hidden Zionna. "I am here, because you wanted it. You needed someone to blame, And You chose me. A dead Man." Glen simply followed the baron. "But a lie..Cannot last forever, like this dream, can it? So I'm going to end it Glen. After all, you are the only one left." The Baron aimed his weapon a Glen, who did the same in return. "Now back to the counting. Remember, I'll only pull the trigger at 5. No sooner, no later." "That's not real, that's in my head...." "Or maybe it's in Mine. ONE." "Everything , everyone... This was your own fault; you got us all here in the first time!" "You believe it, then shoot me. Two." "I didn't mean...I never wanted to hurt anybody... I wanted to help..." "Everyone here wanted the same .Three" Glen couldn't find the world, holding on to his sidearm. "Four" Glen still said nothing. "Is this really what you want? Are you really lost that far?" Said The baron, using his concerned voiced, on last time. Glen was silent. "So be it." BANG The shot could be heard everywhere in the whole room. ---------------------------------------------------------- "This is probably the most intersting thing I have ever seen with you Shadow." Said Locke."But your patience there is remarkable, especially with one like mel-... What was that?" ------------------------------------------------------------ "Maybe I like it this way... As it make me look more mature."
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Let's still take a look. Last time we didn't care, it ended up biting us back."
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Maybe, But if you still pass out of the floor, it won't do any good." Said Locke. "did anyone hear someone shouting? I think Glen is in more trouble than we think."
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: I like how, appart from Skye and Zionna, Nobody seems to give a single care about the fact that Glen might end up shooting himself out of despair.) "It's a dream Mina, Of course the way I would act and look would be different."
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Tyring to be drunk on the job?" Said Locke?"It is never a good thing..."
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: I never said That. You do what you want with your side of the story.)
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Mina, sweetie...." Red didn't really want to finish that sentence.... In a way, she was standing in front of her friend, but in her past form. She could change things. But would it be for the best? She didn't really know. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Baron." Said Glen. "Welcome Glen, welcome." said Back the Baron. "It's been a while, right? a very long while since we saw each other...." "Baron..." Repeated Glen. "Why? why?" "You know the answers, soldier. you were there , you acted on your own accord. Now come, follow me." The baron made a sign for Glen to follow him behind the giant painting. behind it, a glass door, opening on an open balcony. "I don't like it, Is this another one of your games? If so, that's really not funny." Said Glen as he walked on the balcony. Near the end of said Balcony, A chair. facing the remain of an once great city. Someone was sat on it. Glen got closer , in order to have a better look. he was now within touching range of said Chair. he turned it, only to find a decayed body. A decayed body that he knew too much. "It appeared stories of my survival weren't fouded after all...." "What? but..How? why?Why are you haunting me?" "I'm not haunting you, Glen. You are the one hurting you again and again with this story." "That's not true, I have no regrets!! I tried to help!!!!" "Maybe, but even the best intentions leads to the worse. You saw it yourself." He kept on."You came here , with strict orders." "But the situation changed, it trapped us..." "No , you trapped yourself.... you wanted...The truth is that you wanted to be someone you weren't ." "THAT'S not true!!!" "It is, and you know it too well." The baron pulled out a pistol "I will do you a favor. I'm going to end it now." "No, I can't !!!" Glen was in despair, has he took his father's sidearm. "I'm going to count until five, then I'll pull the trigger.What is going to happen now depend entirely of you."
  13. For some reason, Gamma's death always get me hard. Always. And the music isn't helpîng.

    1. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Gamma dying gets me too, maybe it's cause he is one of my favorite sonic characters.

    2. Shadick1
    3. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      I miss you gamma...

      At least Sonic X did something right during His death scene.

    4. Show next comments  597 more
  14. Free play mania 1.0

    things and stuff, mostly things, but especially stuff. Pas comme si t'allais comprendre de toute façon.
  15. Last to post wins v3.0

    as I once said in yet another rhyme, Images shall always prevail. Even in his prime, the answer remain to no avail.
  16. Free play mania 1.0

    quit it.
  17. Last to post wins v3.0

  18. Free play mania 1.0

    nothing is happenning.
  19. Ken Penders Topic...

    I don't about other's opinion. Exept when I do. beside, everyone is unique.
  20. Free play mania 1.0

    No it isn't . I wanted to post this picture to remember people of this time of the year.
  21. Last to post wins v3.0

  22. Last to post wins v3.0

  23. Free play mania 1.0

    who said that ? Oh , you. too bad, my thread, my rules :) at least , i'm ot throwing stuff at peoples.
  24. Ken Penders Topic...

    The pendermen........ also, why being affraid ? opinions are opinions, nothing more.
  25. Art requests for BlueBlur62391

    No problem ^^ but if you are having trouble, you can always draw both in chibii forms :)
