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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. Just some thing Archie is doing to squeeze more money out of the fanbase

    But it was only on StH 259 right?

    Well I agree in some points with Dylans thoughts, but I miss the old storys.

    I don't like it, that the comics go after the games, because when I begin to read the comics I thought it will be a different, more exiting universe than the games. Away from SEGAs stuff :/

  2. I only can draw Metal Sonic and Metal Scourge. I don't know why.

    Metal Scourge was in StH 191 and 192. I gave him sunglasses and a jacket like Scourge has.


    Punish my scanner because the picture has to many pixels :I

    1 person likes this

  3. Do you think Ramoon is really dead? I still have doubt. All this Megaman X story is confusing, yet wanna see a Sigma as a maverick hunter VS the starter of everything Zero... If i'm not again wrong, Zero was the one who made Sigma go Maverick, Right?

    Yeah I really think so, but his "children" or his "child" the Stardroidleader Sunstar is comming (MM #32). It could be that he reactivates Ra Moon, but Mega Man has a plenty more bossenermies, so I think for the first time Ra Moon is not the big problem anymore.

    Zero has the Maverick Virus (because Wily wants to have the ultimative fighter - like Bass), but as Zero was awakening, the Virus "don't work" on him and he was spread over some other Marverick Hunters and of course Sigma too, because as you can see in the game X3 or X4 Sigma was fighting against Zero. In this fight the Virus was going from Zero to Sigma (see the scene in MM#35). Sigma could handle it as a secret in a bunch of time to get the trust of X and the humans.

    It's a really complexe story. I hope Ian Flynn will explain it in a better way that the games and I can do.

  4. Ian Flynn admitted that MMX universe is complicated and confusing, so while he will stick to original as close as possible, there will be changes.

    I can admit that. It's really confusing because my focus is on the classic serie and now the Crossover with the X Universe. Will be a problem für my Wikia to see all the little eastereggs in the Crossover. I don't even know all the net Robot Master from the X serie...

    But I wonder how Flynn will solve the problem between Classic and X what is happening with Mega Man, Bass and all the other robots in the age of 20XX.
