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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. Just because they debuted in Universe doesn't mean that they can't play a big part in the main series. But I get what you mean. The problem is that we're still getting used to the new world, so things haven't exactly had the time to fully develop yet.

    Yeah so as I say its a vague argument now from me. I will see, but now I am really sceptical of what the new universe will bring in the future.

    I hope for old enermies like Naugus or like Scourge. They are great characters and it would be too bad if Flynn doesn't use them.

  2. Well, that all depends on how many new villains will appear later in the series, along with (hopefully) some familiar faces too. As far as the new continuity is concerned, there's a couple new villians who'll likely appear more in the future, such as Eclipse, and if you want to count the Sol Zone too, there's Captain Metal/Egg O' War/Wily Egg, Captain Whisker & his crew, and (again, hopefully) Eggman Nega. Also, if we're to count future events, the Deadly Six from Lost World could become recurring villains. (And I'm sure Ian would be able to give them actual personalities too.) With all that said, I don't believe that every single arc will be about 'Sonic vs. Eggman'.

    We are focus on StH. Eclipse and Captain Metal Sonic - Oh I love these two characters, but they are in the Sonic Universe Sagas and as you can see the Pirate Plunder Panic was a seperated storyline from StH and there were no games in it. In the Shadow Fall saga the new story is built over the past in the games. Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Adventures 2 were in the background at Shadow's past. It is better when the new adventures are build on the storyline of the games.

  3. No. I don't declare this as a win, you guys cheated D:< Nah, just kidding, good jobedes.

    I had a really busy day yesterday, including work, birthday party and even a party at work... so yeah, 300 next I suppose? We'll just keep on going higher, but by 10 losses we're still going down.

    Note to future self and anyone else who is keeping track: 62 means 50 down.

    We attacked when everyone was sleeping! P<

    It was 1am when I finally go to bed and I ask myself: ....well you stay online for this game to get less sleep. Good job Centaur Man. You don't have any life.

    300 will be possible if everyone work together.

    2 - Geminiiiiii, you're back!

  4. Actually, Centaur man you raise a good point. I DO like seeing the comics differ from the games which is why I'm not overly fond of the Sonic Adventure storyline in the comics. I prefer to find new things which spark my interest. But personally I find, while they are keeping the main ideas the same, storyline itself differs enough for me to still really enjoy it (when it is enjoyable)

    Ah, okay. I thought it was on StH 259 too and in MM 36 (well MM36 will be published on the 16.04.2014).

    Finally someone, who understands me.

    I really like it that in the old universe Sonic and his friends don't have to fight Eggman all the time, all the hours and all the months. There was other enermies like the Dark Legion, Scourge or Ixis Naugus. But as you can see in the new universe there is the old-style-SEGA-games with Sonic Vs. Eggman. Well it's a vague statement because the new universe is only 8 issues "old", but when Ian Flynn will continue it in this way, my interest of the StH Universe will sink.

  5. Those are really good Centaur Man. I guess Metal Sonic/Scourge must look quite close to Mega-man robots, so that's why you can draw them! ;)

    Thanks! Well I draw Metal & Metal Scourge before a lot of times and then I fall in love with the Mega Man Universe.

    But yea the relations between the bodyparts are realy easy. More easier than Sonic, Amy or Tails. And I can draw claws in a better way than fingers.... oh I hate fingers P:<

    Tails & NICOLE! What a great duo! I can't draw Tails, so your picture here is really cool. Keep moving!
