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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. Yust look at this:


    1. Stages! Oh you have to be really good in gameplay, to handle this - seriously SEGA? You're not even trying to make good stages which are hard enough. You got no ring problems, the stages in the tempel look like the same. Only the Amy-parts are maybe hard because on the tiny plattforms, but that's it.

    2. Then look at this in minute 2:17 those plattforms. It is so complete indifferent on which plattform you step.

    3. Then Shadow. Serioulsy. Okay the boss-fight maybe he is hard to beat when you play alone, but with co-op he seems to be pretty easy. If fact he just steps in and says: Sonic, fight me! No backgroundstory why he is in this dimention or what relationship has he with Lyric or the team.

    SEGA you...no...just...I might be done with you. Boom could be better. In fact the TV show is really good and the comics but the main part, the game, it is just nothing new and there are bugs everywhere.

  2. Nega: Now my brain hurts xP

    better I put here spoilers too, just to be sure.

    After MM10? Make sence with Bass and all the Robot Masters BUT at the end of Mega Man 3 and I think Mega Man II, Proto Man forgives Dr. Light about what happened in the past and work with them togehter...and well...you can not really see that Proto Man is "happy" in Worlds Collide. There he is still the "I want to be alone"-Fighter and so I think Worlds Collide is in the mainstoryline a bit earlier than MM10. Also when Xander Payne travels through the timeline there is Gamma (MM3), Quint (MMII) and then the Worlds Collide reference.

    Also there is a problem to manage because only Sonic and Dr. Eggman are remembering the crossover (or at least Eggman) and in the Mega Man Universe only Mega Man knows about the event and not Dr. Wily. So..I don't think that Eggman and Wily will team up again xP

    One thing with Xander is, that he thinks that the crossover and all the things he met is in the past (so Mega Man X before MM Classics) and not in the future, so thats a little bit controverse...oh god! Time travel things and crossovers are always confusing and blow up your mind.

  3. Okay new Mega Man & Sonic Crossover?

    That is reaaaally cool, BUT I don't like the fact that this is going to fast with the crossovers. After the Mega Man 3 storyline "Legends of the Blue Bomber"? Come on, I think the first thing is, that you have to keep your mainstoryline up. In Mega Man we had now "only" Ra Moon, little Crossover with the X-Universe and the Mega Man 3 storyline.

    I am not sure about that, but we will see it, so I am not going to say in the first time "This will be bad!". That is not fair, but I hope for Flynn he can keep up this "higher level of a fantastic storyline" like in Worlds Collide. Otherwise I think it will be a shameful box office bomb. I garantee it.

    Another problem is, that Worlds Collide is canon in the Mega Man comics. I don't think that in the Sonic Universe the crossovers are canon, right? It would be better if the Worlds Collide/Unite-Saga is a complete different universe than the ongoing series.

  4. Hi there!

    Since Mega Man 41 I have a problem and it is the same for the Mega Man Archie App and for the Sonic Archie App.

    When I buy a comic and write my passwort on the screen the download show up, but then it crashes and this came up:

    "Unable to Authorize Download"

    Your Download for MM 41 could be authenticated at this time. Please retry your request, or touch Pestore ITunes Purchases in the settings screen."

    I am all the time logged in in these apps and I restore In-App Purchases for everal times, however than this message came up again.

    Has someone the same problems or has anyone a sollucion?

    Thanks for the answers!
