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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. Alrighty, so a thread for Non-Sonic Art? Oh boy! Lemmie share some of mine :D


    I really like this Disney-cartoon-style. I think you don't have to draw more details, because his child-character fits with the art style.

  2. Fan-Characters? Uh I am not good in that part but I had some ^^

    Well my characters I played in some RPGs or used them in some fancfictions were Metal Sonic and Metal Scouge. Yeah you might say that these are characters from SEGA and the Archie Comics, but I just took their personalities and expand them. I don't say that these are my fan-characters, I just tried to make more out of these bots, because SEGA and the Archie Comics didn't do a lot with these guys. They are more like all other robots who will loose against Sonic with an old Spin Dash. They can do more with them, like they had done this with Shard the Metal Sonic (SU Saga with the Secret Freedom Fighters).

    Then my reaaaally first OC was Escada the Rabbit and I got there the idea of Bunnie, because Escada has a robot part with one arm too, but thats all and I mixed this up with an old pirate-personality. But...I better don't draw her xD

    Just a sketch from these guys but...you see Escada...I failed xD


  3. Wait but chronology Mega Man V is suppose to take place between mega man 5 and 6 why would they do it before mega man 4 or dr.wily's revenge

    Naaah, I don't think so. Mega Man V is more somewhere between MM3 and MM6. I only read that in the wikia, correct me if I am wrong, but the idea with Ra Moon and the new comming up Mega Man V adaption makes sence, because Ra Moon and the Stardroids where together as a "team" in the Mega Man Gigamix Comics.

    Anyway I LOVE the Short Circuit in this pannel. Those Skrillex references - Just great.


  4. And has no one else been reading the comics? I need to read the latest one myself...

    I read them, but now...well the focus is now only on Mega Man and he is not really my favourite character. Like in the other sagas you saw other actions what Wily or Proto Man do while the Mega Man story was going on. I will be happy to see Mega Man fight his brother again. I can say this thousand times but Ian Flynn did a great job with Proto Man and his storyline in the comics. In the games he will change his opinion about working together with the Light Labs and I hope this will be an emotional comic (Centaur Man will cry. This is confirmed).

    I am really exited about the upcomming Mega Man V adaption because this is one of my favourite games and the Stardroids are a great team since the Mega Man Gigamix Comics.

    I haven't read MM44 but I hope I will get this comic soon! I really want to see the fight Mega Man Vs. Hard Man.

  5. So, round number two SEGA! With Boom and Runners let the games of "failing in videogames" begin. May the odds be ever in your favour!

    No joke, but after Boom, I really hope for SEGA that this game will be good. The company need Sonic and the money. Otherwise I see a dark future commin'.

    Sound like a mobile game to me.

    Yeah. I agree.
