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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. They better put MS in it! >.< 


    Like it!


    Doodlejump was tge jumping game. We already have Doodlesonic tgrough Sonic Jump (and Sonic Jump fever I guess). Interesting fact: The mobile version of Sonic Jump came before Doodlejump. Who's copying who?


    I am speaking of when Sonic Jump got famous (not the original). It was around 2012. Doodlejump was around 2009.



    As for plot... when they say it's for Smarthones that pretty much blew the chances of there being a plot


    Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II had a plot. Not much, but it was a plot.

  2. And you drew that in a hurry and no picture to help you? =-= genius! o-o you must be a genius!!


    Oh no xD I had a picture from the internet (the great interneeeeet) with NMS. I could draw Metal Sonic and other Metal Sonic-syle creatures by hand and by imagination but...nevah Neo Metal Sonic or his dragon-form.

  3. So as you all might have already seen this is NMS' Avatar picture now but I'll post it here anyway the full pic





    I always loose, when I try to draw NMS. he is pretty hard with the spikes. No I can't take him seriously anymore :'P

  4. (Spoiler because of the big image)




    Unstoppable....SONIC! Showing Tails in the background! Okay SEGA...okaaay :'D


    "Top the reach of the Peak" sounds like the other mobile game who was in a Hype. What was it? Doodlejump? Okay now we get a Doodlesonic. What does this trailer showing me? Oh yeah Sonics is running. What a plot!


    Let's move this "it is a mobile game" argument from myself behind and looking on the comming plot but...I see no plot here. Interesting. This is getting better and better.
