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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. I know, I know and in this point I really can understand him and I love Proto Man for this inner-struggle. This post should not say that I don't like him ;-) Just make me a little bit sad and angry.


    I think he is one of the greatest characters in the game and Flynn is doing a great job, working on that character and to make him really special and give him a character-history. He has feelings about Roll and Rock, but I also think he doesn't like to know that he could be wrong. I think in MM4 (?) he is forgiving Light but this scene was really affecting with this sentence "To be my brother" as a new function in life. If that would be in a movie I would cry a lot!

  2. I meant during the crossover. Neither Mega Man nor Proto Man seemed to question anything, while Dr. Light (and Sonic) noticed something was up. So perhaps the amnesia/confusion side-effect only affected organic beings? The only time Mega Man's memory was affected during the crossover was after Shadow's Chaos Control, I believe.


    Oh yeah I forgot that scene! In fact Light knew much from Wily and Eggman and their failed creations. Do we have a date in the two universe where Worlds Collide is setteled or is this still only guessing around?

  3. People make mistakes.


    I make mistakes? Nah I think I'm quite perfect.





    Nah. I fall a lot on the ground and everytime I'll try to learn from that.


    2 Days before exam: Okay Centaur Man you really need to learn!

    1 Day: Oh well the...themes in this exam weren't so bad after all. Maybe I should learn earlier.

    Exam: GodDarn it! Why did I learn earlier?!


    ...but when there comes a new exam. I make my mistake again xP

  4.  (Actually, were any Robot Masters affected? Mega Man and Proto Man didn't seem to be bothered.)


    Affected on the space-time-travel? Nah I don't think so. Mega Man perhaps, because he played an important roll and was in the Super-Genesis-Wave but I wouldn't count Proto Man in it.

  5. I get what you mean, but while Mega Man does have that split-second reaction, it's immediately followed with him being completely confused at the city's lack of damage, and having literally no memory of the events that happened between the flash of light (Genesis Wave). It's likely because Mega Man pulled off his Chaos Control perfectly, so everything went back to normal. But since Sonic's was interrupted, it took some time for the memories to be replaced.

    Actually, we don't know if NICOLE has any crossover knowledge, or old world memories for that matter. I wouldn't count on her having any knowledge on what's gonna happen.


    And also Dr. Light was a little bit confused in the Crossover when we first saw him, so I think these are the beginnings that some characters know that there is another world/universe out there or at least they know something isn't right. I am verry exited about Worlds Unite and the following actions when it's over. 
