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Posts posted by Darkie

  1. I'm anxiously waiting for season 2 to air. I actually miss waking up at 7am on Saturdays to watch Sonic Boom. ^^

    same, anyone know when season 2 starts?

    Sadly there hasn't been an announcement for when it will air, just that there will be a second season. Can't wait til they say when it will be.

  2. I'm a newbie to anime, but my favorites of the ones I've finished so far are Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Kill la Kill, Sword Art Online and Show By Rock. I'm also watching the currently airing Youkai Watch anime and I am loving it SO much, it's adorable.

    Oooh Madoka Magica! That's a good one! Have you also watched the movies? Because the third one continues the story. SAO I haven't watch it yet... I kind of started it but never really got into it. I DID start Log Horizon which is similar to SAO except instead of being stuck in a game via game console the characters actually end up IN the game world literally as their characters. Also if you ever need any anime recommendations Shads I'd be more than happy to give a few amazing animes.

    Yea I've seen the entire series and movie 3 twice! I just finished rewatching them a few weeks ago. c: SAO is really good imo, a lot of people hate it but not everything is for everyone. I have a lot of anime on myanimelist that I've been trying to get to lol. I just finished Mirai Nikki yesterday!

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  3. I'm a newbie to anime, but my favorites of the ones I've finished so far are Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Kill la Kill, Sword Art Online and Show By Rock. I'm also watching the currently airing Youkai Watch anime and I am loving it SO much, it's adorable.

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  4. Thought I'd leave a little about myself here.

    Well, my friends call me Aimee, I'm 21 and I've been a Sonic fan since I was 8. My friends know me for fangirling over Shadow 24/7. XD I also enjoy playing Kirby games. I'm very shy but I will talk to just about anyone if they start a conversation with me.
