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Everything posted by Device

  1. Games that had an impact on you

    This will probably show my age a little, but... My first game, Super Mario Bros. on the NES. It's the only game I had for awhile, and I played it so much. I believe I was only 3 or 4, but it started my love for gaming. The other big one was Sonic 2. It was the first Sonic game I played but I was instantly hooked. I watched the shows, read the books, got the toys and plushies. Then I remember renting Sonic 3 and that just sealed the deal(Sonic 3&K is still my favorite Sonic game). Sonic became my childhood hero and idol. It sounds cheesy, but his free spirit and thirst for adventure has been how I've lived my life. I'm a really easy-going person and I love to help people when I can. I'm always up for trying something new! A few other games to mention: Pokemon Red, Mega Man 3, Mega Man X, Final Fantasy 6, Smash Bros. 64, Mario Kart SNES, and Sonic Adventure. I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of at the moment.
  2. Nights into Dreams

    I think it's worth it if you're a SEGA fan and/or a Sonic Team fan. Also, if you use Steam, it will probably be really cheap once the Christmas Sale hits. I dunno if the playstation store has sales like that lol
  3. Please take your time and make it great SEGA. I'll wait ;P Until then, we got some other video game movies coming out. I think next year we'll have both Sly Cooper and the Ratchet and Clank movies. They're looking good!
  4. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Who...? Just kidding! Happy Birthday dude!
  5. Smash Bros Wii U and OR/AS in 13 hours! I'm getting it at the midnight release and playing it ALL NIGHT. Good thing I took tomorrow off of work ;P

    1. Pearl98


      Just more than 2 hours until I get OR/AS :D

  6. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    Let's see...
  7. Pokemon!

    Roger that! Though honestly... I'll be playing more Smash first since we get it the same day. And to stay on topic, I preordered the Pikachu amiibo to pick up with Smash (Along with Villager for my girlfriend).
  8. Games that you recently got

    I guess I should say I got both Sonic Boom games... and the DLC for Mario Kart 8. Oh and Smash this Friday along with pokemon... too many good games! xD
  9. New Mario Kart 8 DLC is great! Why does all this good stuff have to come out at the same time? D;

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Because video games' main purpose in life is to rid you of your money ;P

  10. Sonic Boom (The game)

    I admit the game probably could have used a bit more testing, but this game is nowhere close to the bugs found in '06. I mean, even both Adventures were more buggy lol Nintendo is just very good at polishing their games before release. They also have no problem delaying games for the sake of fixing this stuff. "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad," said by Miyamoto himself!
  11. Sonic Boom (The game)

    I forgot to mention those! I've only had two glitches so far from playing almost all day yesterday. First one, a spring got Sonic stuck in some sort of lightpost thing. I tried to wiggle out, but all I could do was spin Sonic in circles... Luckily, you can save and exit from the pause menu at anytime, so that's what I ended up doing. Second one was a full FSOD(Frozen Screen of Death from my PSO days) complete with buzzing sound! I was playing some CO-OP with my girlfriend and we zip-lined into a new room. Upon landing the screen just froze. I had to completely restart the Wii U and start from my last check point, which wasn't too far off. Apparently a cut scene was suppose to trigger at that point, and it was fine on the next try. Other then that I noticed some slowdowns here and there, I think mainly from game loading in the background. Also CO-OP seems to cause that more often which makes sense. You usually only have one long load screen at the start of any major area. I think people are making more of a big deal out of all the glitches then they should be... you are bound to have them, and they can always patch the game if there ends up being some really nasty ones.
  12. Sonic Runners (2015, Smartphone)

    I wish.... the chao are the only reason I play that... and honestly I don't play that much lol
  13. Sonic Boom (The game)

    Yeah, I'll just try to keep it to mechanics at the most. I wouldn't spoil it for people! There are still checkpoints, but I guess they are more for the exploring and speed sections, not during big combat sections. And for NMS and Metal Sonic Spoilers...
  14. Nights into Dreams

    I'm actually a pretty big fan of NiGHTS... I own the Saturn version, the wii one, and just got the Steam version so I could play Christmas NiGHTS (Finally.) I even race as NiGHTS in Sonic Transformed most of the time! haha A lot of people don't know that the Nightopians throughout the stages have an AI and do different things depending on how you interact with them. They were actually the precursor to Chao!
  15. Sonic Boom (The game)

    I got both of them yesterday, and played the Wii U one pretty much all day. I played the first level of the 3ds one, but it was just the same as the demo, so I'll get to that game. I already knew I liked that one from the demo... As for Rise of Lyric... it's actually pretty good! It might not be a great Sonic game, but it's like the first Jak and Daxter with Sonic characters and speed sections. I mean, this makes sense since it's made by some ex-naughty dog employees...The game is all about exploring and collecting. The story is unfolding pretty slow, but I have a feeling it will all come together in the end, including what is up with Shadow haha The combat isn't too bad either, in my opinion. I feel like Sonic fights similar to how he would in the comics, not just homing attacking stuff to death like the usual sonic games but kicking combos into spin dashes, ground pounds, and homing attacks. My only complaint with the combat is you have like no invincibility when hit... so 3 shots from a laser in a row take rings for each hit...but doesn't really matter since you have no lives, you just respawn right away, even in the middle of boss fights. So this makes the game really easy... And I guess I should explain, your rings act as a life bar. So 100 rings is like 100 hp, and hits usually take about 20 rings/hp at a time. And of course collecting rings you drop when hit, or more rings fills your life back up. This also makes your rings cap at 100(Or more if you upgrade it), but total rings collected unlock bonus content like pictures, music, and such. There is also a lot more to the game, and maybe even more then I know, since I've only made it to the next big world hub. I tend to explore EVERYTHING, so it really slows me down lol Oh and if you guys have any questions, ask away!
  16. Sonic Runners (2015, Smartphone)

    I doubt they would do ANOTHER Mobile game already. They seem to still be working on Sonic Jump Fever... But who knows... there are always lots of Sonic rumors that go around with no games announced so I'll just wait and see lol
  17. Super Smash Bros!

    Those are some really good choices from both series. I really can't wait for this game... and it's just around the corner! Oh and both Sonic and Mega Man amibos announced for the 3rd wave! I'm DEFINITELY getting those.
  18. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    Just finished watching it and I have to say it's not terrible! And so far, Knuckles doesn't seem as dumb in the show as that first comic made him...
  19. Last to post wins v3.0

    Dinner time! Oh wait...
  20. Ban the above poster

    Banned because never played Smash Bros. (F-Zero games are actually pretty fun if you like racing games)
  21. Last to post wins v3.0

    To cook them? ;P
  22. Ban the above poster

    Banned because the quotes are really from Smash Bros... I don't think he ever talked in the games lol
