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Everything posted by HyperMetal50

  1. Sonic #252 Early Info (POSSIBLY MAJOR SPOILERS)

    I've been looking at other Sonic comic forums and I'm surprised to see how cynical some people are being about the whole subtle reboot idea. Because if I remember reading correctly once, people were hoping for big changes after the first Genesis Wave, so you could say those people are now getting their wish.
  2. Sonic #252 Early Info (POSSIBLY MAJOR SPOILERS)

    I told the guys on Bumbleking of your theory and they've all voiced hope at that NOT happening.
  3. Sonic #252 Early Info (POSSIBLY MAJOR SPOILERS)

    You've read my mind. If there's ever an award for "Most talked about question in Sonic comic history" I think we may have just found our winner...
  4. Sonic #252 Early Info (POSSIBLY MAJOR SPOILERS)

    I saw them earlier today. Plenty of new questions are brought up by those few pages alone!
  5. Sonic #252 Early Info (POSSIBLY MAJOR SPOILERS)

    I think you could be right there. It's the only outcome that would make sense, so you may have just inadvertently announced some major spoilers.
  6. Sonic #252 Early Info (POSSIBLY MAJOR SPOILERS)

    I don't think they'd say "shock" unless it was a good thing ;) Of course the team can't make every fan happy, but I do hope nothing too extreme comes in a negative way. But I'm laid back about and I'll roll with whatever they're planning. It's all about waiting and watching when it comes to this sort of thing.
  7. Sonic #252 Early Info (POSSIBLY MAJOR SPOILERS)

    I thought it would turn out to be a very subtle reboot, however this does shake things up a bit. The game based stories might be canon, but that's nearly impossible to tell right now. Hopefully we'll have the questions lessened in our heads when we read the rest of 252.
  8. Ken Penders Topic...

    Precisely. I sometimes wonder if he was aiming for the comic to lean more toward a more mature audience, but even still I don't think having characters that way is the best idea even for older people.
  9. Ken Penders Topic...

    It's a kids comic and if there is any kids comic that features that sort of character in a very "out there" way, then please do tell me, because as far as I know there's never been such a thing, since I really don't think a comic like Sonic the Hedgehog is the place for that sort of controversial thing.
  10. Ken Penders Topic...

    Well you see when Penders was making the Mobius X years later story, he intended for Rotor to be gay and thanks to Simon's info, Penders even planned to have Kneecaps as a gay character. Apparently he was told to be VERY discreet about it, so much so that it's barely implied.
  11. Ken Penders Topic...

    I have to agree with almost all of Simon's statement there. Penders may have created a lot of characters, but a fair few weren't entirely original. Saying that Ian's done nothing as big as Endgame is pretty egocentric if you ask me and I find Yardely's! style to be one of the best art styles in the comic. I really didn't like most of the old styles they used. In fact, Penders really hasn't done anyone any favours. He ruined Hurst's chances of making a movie and his idea of making gay characters just seems not at all right in my opinion.
  12. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    That's probably going down as one of my favourite issues. Seeing Super Sonic again was, well super and the climax was just perfectly well done. Now, all we have to do is wait to see the aftermath of this crossover.
  13. A Sonic movie?

    Nope, that's probably why all the Pokémon films have been animated. Anime just doesn't work at all well in live action.
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    So far I like the sound of all this. I'm glad they're shortening the arcs as well, I think it's going to be rather refreshing to see that again after so long. And the comic characters might be "re-introduced?" Sounds interesting, but could this also count for Penders characters as well?
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Not to sound impatient or anything, but when is issue 251 going to be up?
  16. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    I saw the cover earlier. I really like Bunnie's redesign and NICOLE's is a little unexpected, but overall, it's looking quite promising :)
  17. Ken Penders Topic...

    Oh dear... I don't think even the Japanese would be willing to make an anime show with that art style.
  18. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    I can see your point. To be honest, I think Mogul would be better off as a protagonist than an antagonist. I liked his character more when they showed his future self, so I hope he turns a new leaf whenever he comes back to the comic. If someone here is a member of Bumbleking, I'd like to ask for a bit of help. I registered as a member, but I emailed the next day and my password wasn't the same one on the email as the one I'd used to register. Does that mean the Admins won't activate my account?
  19. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    Boy, Universe issue 54 sure is taking its time to be uploaded here. I'm just desperate to see the Bass-Mega Man-Sonic and Metal Sonic fight.
  20. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Same here Dylan. But let's not forget a lot of fans are going to be there and some have voiced their frank opinions of him on the web.
  21. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Holy mother of moly, Penders has just said he plans on going to San Diego Comic Con and visit the Archie panel and he said he may want to be apart of it :blink: So, one of the most controversial Sonic comic writers is attending an event that features people working on the very side he's been in legal combat with. What could possibly go wrong? :wacko:
  22. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    I hope so too. Shard's become one of my favourite characters, but they left his fate too open to just simply throw him away into the dead characters bin.
  23. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Okay, technically Shard's not his, but Shard's characterisations are all done by Flynn.
  24. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Personally, I think this mystery villain is an all new Flynn created character. He said we'll never guess it right? So what better way to do so with a character that we haven't even seen yet. And if it is, I won't be too worried about whether this character is a good one, because when you see other Flynn Characters like Shard, there's little doubt he can pull it off.
  25. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    I'm 90.6 percent sure it's Bunnie.
