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The Jest

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Posts posted by The Jest

  1. How long it lasts? No, not really. There's a limit to how short an entry/chapter of it can be. (Though I'm somewhat lenient on that.) But it can be as long as you like it to be.

    However, you also have to have a good sense of Spelling and Grammar. Just remember that.

  2. Assuming it wasn't a while ago (Which it probably was), I'm kinda sad America didn't make it. ...On the other hand, we're the guys who gave the name of Football to a sport all about using your hands instead of your feet, and instead of stealing the ball, dog-piling the living crap out of the person with it. All the while calling the real Football, Soccer...A word I'm almost-entirely convinced we made up to justify this.

    So ...it's probably for the best we didn't win the Cup. ^_^;

  3. He is in my top 3 comic list. I hope they make a arc about him someday like the way they showed what happened to scourge...wait where is scourge right now? Is the same thing happened to him?

    Sadly, I don't think we'll be seeing Scourge again. If SEGA is placing a Mandate on this series to begin with, it won't surprise me if they believe the world should only have one Sonic, and that's assuming Pendersman didn't have anything to do with it.

    As for Shard: ...Well, for once, Penders has nothing to do with this. Metal Sonic, by itself, belongs to SEGA and Sonic Team. That red Metal Sonic in Knuckles Chaotix? Also belongs to SEGA and Sonic Team. The only version having to do with Shard that you can argue with is the version with the Power Crystal that became Shard, I.E. the first debut of the Power-crystal-enhanced Metal Sonic and the last time he appeared as Metal Sonic before he became Shard. But fortunately that story, and character by Extension, was made by Writer Danny Fingeroth.

    So, yeah...Penders is NOT to blame for this one. If Shard ceases to exist, It's all on SEGA's little mandate. Considering Metal Overlord is apparently in this new canon now. ...I'm afraid that alone may just be the mark that ends Shard's existence.

    However, if there is only one Metal Sonic, (In which case Captain Metal might as well be a time paradox in of himself.) here's a way of looking at it, my fellow Shard fans...Shard was originally the first worthy of being called Metal Sonic, and is the very same Metal Sonic that has survived throughout the years, then that means that the Metal Sonic that there's now only one of is Shard, gone back to his original side and design, coming full circle.

    Oh, and here's another thing to think about, especially you, NMS. If Metal Overlord is Canon now, that mean Neo Metal Sonic, the Original Neo Metal Sonic, is Canon as well. That means, in a way, Shard, at one point, became Neo Metal Sonic.

    Yeah, that's probably stretching, but hey, making the most out of a bad situation. ^_^

    EDIT: and I just now read the two Theories regarding Shard. Thank you, Nega.

    Of the 2, The first one seems a lot more likely. It seems to me that they're going for the Sol Zone being another dimension, rather then a jump in time. Plus, Blaze never even mentioned Silver when we last saw her in Sonic Universe, let alone seen him. As such, I don't see the "Metal Rogue from the Future" scenario happening.

  4. ................*Takes a deep breath*

    • Shadow Chaotix
    • Knuckles triple trouble
    • Chip Battle
    • Robotnik Adventures 2 Battle:
    • Tails Mega Collection
    • Bean's Mean Bean Machine
    • Blaze Rush
    • Marine Adventures
    • E-102 3-D blast
    • Amy X
    • Sally Generations
    • The Adventures of Geoffrey St. John
    • Sleuth Underground
    • Silver Drift
    • Dr. Finitevus and the Secret Rings
    • Scourge and the Black Knight
    • Nack Spinball
    • Mogul Shuffle
    • Ixis Rivals
    • Johnny Dash (Johnny being that robot from Sonic Rush Adventures)
    • and Last but not least: Metal-Sonic-Boom


    4 people like this

  5. ...Really? We...We're doing this now? ...Alright then, I suppose, I should take my role suited in this as well. *Ahem* *Narrates as this sad event happens.*

    ...The moment man devoured the fruit knowledge, he sealed his fate. Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yet, the arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Beyond the path, lies the absolute end...

    It matter not who you are...

    Death awaits you.


    Memento Mori. ...And all begins again.

  6. 400!? What Sorcery is this!? ...It's Not POSSIBLE!


    Joking aside, I congratulate you all for reaching this point. I've been focused on other things, and like a good strategist, you used that to your upmost advantage, finding an opening where Cheery was also gone.

    However, now that means we are just going have to...

    Make your lives even more of a hell!

