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Everything posted by Pearl98

  1. I can't chose who my favourite new robot master is in the comics, Plant Man is funny, somewhat of a serious fighter (A least more serious than Bright Man XD) Bright Man, well, he's an electrical robot master (or space-time, I have no clue, i'm sticking with Electrical for now) And well, come on, who doesn't love him in the recent issue? XD Of course, theres Centaur Man and Pump Man, but i'll wait until the have a proper appearance

    1. Centaur Man

      Centaur Man

      PLANT MAN!

  2. It sure is a good thing tomorrow's a public holiday XD It's 11:00pm here, and I just got pokemon Soul Silver working on my emulator, so i'll probably be playing it for a while

  3. Downloading Pokemon Soul Silver! once it's fnished, i'll have at least 1 pokemon game per gen including the remakes!

  4. Listening to SatAM's theme is making me miss the old comics and how i used to always take the T.V to watch Sonic underground then SatAM was right after it, but no, they had to take the channel the shows were on off air :(

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I never had those days to begin with :(

  5. My Ninetales gets poisoned, i have no potions or antiodes, I immediately play the Sonic X theme XD luckily, I got to the Pokemon Centre just in time

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Pretty much what I do everytime one of my pokemon gets poisoned

  6. Whoa whoa whoa! I randomized pokemon fire red again and one of the starters is Mewtwo! 0.0 First legendary I've seen as a starter when i've randomized! XD

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe


      I HAVE to do that sometime

  7. i'm confused, is Bright Man and electric type robot master or a Space-time robot master/ or is he both? I've always seen him as an eltrical robot master, mut the mega man wiki says his a space-time robot master like time man and flash man...

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Space-time? How is he Space-time? I would've thought electric type

    2. Pearl98


      I don't know, his weapon is flash stopper, stopping the enemies on screen, maybe thats why he could be a space-time robot master? His weapon is nearly identical to Flash man's... But he was built to give electricity to those he don't have access to it.. i guess we'll see what the comics say... It says Support 'bot, that doesn't help at all -_-

  8. So, my team right now on my pokemon emerald randomizer nuzlocke run is Sparky the Flaaffy, Blob the Muk, Rouge 2nd the Crobat (Caught a Zubat before, but it died, and i called that rouge) Kingofsea the Seadra, and my newest member of the team, Sleepy the Hypno, they don;t have the best nicknames, but oh well XD

    1. Pearl98


      Oh, I forgot Vibrate. my Vibrava XD

  9. Aw man... I ran into my favouirite legendary pokemon, but i can't catch her because shes not my first Pokemon on the route I'm on... Maybe i can just break the rule this once...

  10. AH! LATIOS! 0.0 Dman it! Another legendary in a trainer battle? Who next? Latias?

    1. Pearl98


      Okay, forget I asked, she sent out another Latios... 0.0

  11. Definitely start panicking when a team aqua grunt sends out Deoxys... 0.0

  12. 2nd attempt at pokemon emerald randomizer, the starter i got was Houndoom (coincidentally, first try i picked Houndour XD) and my team right now is Vibrava, Flaaffy and Houndoom

  13. oh man, the sure was a good laugh XD I randomized pokemon Fire red, the starters were Nuzleaf, Magikarp and Quilava, I chose Quilava, and what does my rival go for? Magikarp XD

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Wow. That is just beautiful

    2. Pearl98


      And now it keeps getting better... I got Manectric, Pinsir and i just ran into a Grovyle... 0.0

    3. Danny Felixe
  14. going from pokemon emerald nuzlocke to randomized nuzlocke :D Lets see how i'll with that XD

  15. Anyone who hasn't seen the 2nd pokemon XY Japnese opening yet, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgeUBmbYjWg Really can't wait for the rival, Fletchinder and Hawlucha to appear!

  16. If my translating is accurate, the Diancie event will happen on the same day the next pokemon movie is released, and that is July 19th. And.... you'll be able to get Darkrai too if you have a code? All this info is at the end of pokemon XY episode 29 and 30, and their only in Japanese right now...

  17. I just had my first pokemon death in the nuzlocke run... and sadly.... it was my Torchic :(

  18. Doing my first attempt of a nuzlocke run through a pokemon game, I'm doing Emerald, and so far so good! my starter is Torchic, first route I caught a Wurmple, 2nd I caught a Poochyena, and 3rd i caught a Lotad! No deaths yet :D

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe


      Well done

  19. Turns out Mario Kart 8 isn't coming out here until Saturday... One of my friends was really keen in getting it tomorrow....

  20. Mario Kart 8's out tomorrow, I have no school tomorrow either, and I should hopefully get this weeks comics in just an hour, could this get any better?!

  21. Oh hey, Mega Man #37 is up! That sure was quick!

  22. Mario Kart 8's out tomorrow, and I find it a huge coincidence that we have a public holiday tomorrow XD

  23. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Heres a review of MM #37 (contains spoilers! but more panels, not the full comic though), heres the link: http://www.themmnetw...-timely-heroics *face desk while laughing my head off* What the reviewer said after the second last pic was an amazing reference i've got to say XD (3 guns shots shooting at someone/people sound familiar?) oh hey, theres Eddie, just not finished XD I might stay up late and wait for comic to come on comixology, I'll post spoilers then. Since i'm reading the issue now, i'll put some small things up while i read.
  24. Had a pretty good Basketball game after school, we were down 1 point at half time, but we came back and won 23 -19 :D i wonder how the boys game will go next Wednesday...

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Two basketball games at different places. Cool! Congrats on winning!

  25. Super Nova's on a day before Sonic's 23rd... Since theres a gaming area, i'm going to get everyone to through a party XD
