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Tooq (Kitty McPurrington)

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Posts posted by Tooq (Kitty McPurrington)

  1. Anyway.... I think I will really like that the episodes reset. After all, I hate it when I have to wait for the next episode to come out wondering what's going to happen. It leaves me really impatient. I would love a full story in one episode. I still wonder if his arms are blue his hands are blue too now. Really leaves me hangin'... Of course this is all only my opinion, everything looks pretty awesome. (Still getting use to Knuckles though)

  2. For me, it's gato be Gatomon! (Sorry, I couldn't help it!)

    But before her it was Patamon. I just liked his design for some reason. I think I just like things with big cute ears. And out of the season two guys, I really like Armadillomon for some reason. I think I have a secret liking for armadillos, maybe.

    If Nyaromon digivolves 2 times she turns into Gatomon! Same digievolution! *meow*

  3. I am so eager to read issue 257!!! They totally left me clueless of what's going to happen next and I am so up for it! I also love, love, LOVE Sally's new look! And Nicole's too. They look awesome! Can't-wait-too-READ!!!

  4. I know what you mean. i feel the same way although I think the show might be worth watching because (my opinion) I have watched every Sonic episode series there was ever created so I am eager to see another show come out. But of course other people might find different reasons why they would like to see the Sonic Boom Cartoon and reasons why not. Either way it's up to them. I don't care how it turns out. I just want to watch it. :)

  5. Where does Amy live anyway? Does she live in her own house by herself? Maybe there could be a picture of her parents in the background in one of the upcomming comics. I should keep a sharp eye out for that. >_> | <_<

  6. My guess whats taking so long for a Sonic movie to come out is because of the plot. I have never done but I am just gonna say that movie making isn't naturally a piece of cake. But all I am really expecting is good voices and graphics. That's all for me what about you? (anyone)

  7. Of corse it is getting old now and I dont pay much attention too it anymore but Sonic X is the one tv show that change my entire point of view about Sonic. Thanks to Sonic X I am what is the major sonic fan today. It was a really awesome show and a littlle heart breaking, but in my opinion it is the best Sonic the Hedgehog show out of all of them. (During the later seasons the graphics could be better but whatayagonnado?) :)
