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Seviper the Fang Snake

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Posts posted by Seviper the Fang Snake

  1. Taurus Bulba from Darkwing Duck 

    "Somewhere down there is this Darkwing Duck. I watched him. I know his weakness. His posing, his flamboyance, the mask and cape! That hat! It all indicates an ego the size of a small planet!"






    1 person likes this

  2. Fenn nodded.


    "I don't see how Seviper can do it. Cause you he's go no hands!" Said Zangoose snickering again.


    "Oh. Another joke about my lack of appendages. There aren't a million of those." Said Seviper 

  3. "No. Just a joke about where to train..." Said Fenn.


    "Yeah. Fightning. Sandwich eating.Partying." Replied Seviper 


    "Don't forget destroying most buildings you slither in." Said Zangoose with a snicker.
