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Seviper the Fang Snake

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Posts posted by Seviper the Fang Snake

  1. Time to finally do this.


    Name: Charmy Bee

    Age: 6

    Gender: Male

    Species: Honey Bee

    Appearance: Yellow and black striped body, Yellow and black striped Antennas, Golden eyes, Orange Bomber Jacket with Bee Symbol on it, Black pilot hemet with red rim and goggles

    Alignment: Good

    Profession: Kid

    Powers/Abilities: Wings grant the power of flight. Can shrink size so he can get to places he normally couldn't get to

    Weapons/Equipment: Stinger while not powerful but it does hurt

    Personality: A bit hyperactive, gets lost in thought, goofy but can be serious when he needs to be

    Background: Born into a royal family and heir to the throne. Charmy's parents wanted him accept his royal responsibilities and put him in a arranged marriage which caused him to runaway from home. He made it up to Casino Zone wandering the streets in hopes to make a new life there.


    Name: Antoine D'Coolette 

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Species: Coyote

    Appearance: Reddish Brown fur, Yellow muzzle and fur on front torso, Blonde hair, blue eyes, Red Boots and cuffs,  French uniform sash, Red and white belt with silver buckle, Wears a red beret on occasions

    Alignment: Good

    Profession: Former Soldier for the Royal Guard 

    Powers/Abilities: Skilled Swordsman and hand to hand combat, has good amount of agility, is a trained pilot and is a great tactician. Also is an expert cook

    Weapons/Equipment: A cutlass sword he received from his father that is quite sharp and durable

    Personality: Cowardly but deep with in is a brave soul. While he does speak English he does tend to stuggle with it at intense moments and uses incorrect words

    Background: Antoine was born in Mercia. Antoine's father was a high ranking officer and his mother was a nurse. Antoine's mother died of a terrible illness and his father had him sent to Mobotropolis so he can train to be part of the Royal Guard. Antoine never saw his father after that who most likely ran off to deal with his wife's death. Antoine was part of the Royal Guard but ran off to Mercia in due to him believing he was too much of a coward to be a soilder.


    Name: E-123 Omega

    Age: N/a

    Species: Robot

    Gender: Masculine Programming

    Appearance: Similar to the other E-series robot specifically Gamma but with a more stocky build and clawed hands. And an Omega symbol on shoulder.

    Alignment: Evil-Neutral 

    Profession: Enforcer/Custodial Robot

    Powers/Abilities: Great strength and durability.

    Weapons/Equipment: Rocket booster grant minor flight, Machine guns, Flamethrowers, and Rocket Launchers built into arms and upper torso

    Personality: Perhaps the most violent of the E-Series Robots. Has a dry sense of humor. He is arrogant, full of pride, and had quite an ego. Believes all other robots are inferior and loves to take on powerful opponets 

    Background: The last of the E-Series Robots, Omega was built to be one of Robotniks top enforcers. However he kept failing his tasks and was demoted to Janitorial duties.


    Name: Bean the Duck


    Species: Duck

    Gender: Male

    Appearence: Green feathered Duck, Blue eyes, currently wearing Standard Issued Battle Bird Armada Uniform will change once he gets out

    Alignment: Neutral 

    Profession: Battle Bird Armada Soilder/Experiment

    Powers/Abilities: Can summon bombs out of thin air and can manipulate explosives

    Weapons/Equipment: Extreme Gear

    Personality: Was originally a stable individual but after enduring the experiment that have him his powers he became quite insane and developed Kleptomania.

    Background: Bean was chosen for Project Dynamite to give him abilities similar to the Battle Lord but he was labeled a failed experiment and insane. He was thrown into a prison cell.



    Name: Mordred Hood

    Age: 25

    Species: Cobra

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Long green body with yellow markings on his head, Black Armor with his tail sticking out from the other side.

    Alignment: Evil-Neutral

    Profession: Tyrant

    Powers/Abilities: Hypnosis which sometimes has the dreadful side effect of causing the hypnotized to get dizzy and vomit

    Weapons/Equipment: Mystic Armored suit grants enhanced strength

    Personality: Cruel and slightly sadistic, would rather have his subordinates handle the task at hand but will step in the battle if needed.

    Background: Born into a Noble family Mordred belived he needed to  rule the kingdom of Mercia. He had a inventor modify a mystic suit of armor so he walk around like a normal mobian though the suit. He became the advisor to the King of Mercia unfortunately for the King, Mordred would later usurp him.


    Name: Bark the Polar Bear

    Age: 17

    Species: Polar Bear 


    Appearance: About the same size as Vector and Omega, Yellowish fur, red beanie and green scarf

    Alignment: Neutral 

    Profession: None

    Power/Abilities: Has great strength

    Weapons/Equipment: None

    Personality: Strong Silent type (That's pretty much sums him up.)

    Background: Not much i known about Bark's' past, aside that he was once a mercenary. He was recently captured by the Battle Bird Armada thinking he was a threat. He would then meet his new cell mate...






