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Seviper the Fang Snake

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Posts posted by Seviper the Fang Snake

  1. *tries to grab Mimikyu but rolling causes self to fly off* 

    Hmm...Wait That mountain is coming up close. Better adjust my rearview mirror! Wait I don't own a car! *hits mountain*

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  2. "Ally! You are in trouble young lady! Now you and your little friends clear out." Said Zangoose taking out a device out of a suitcase 


    "Okay Father." Replied Ally.


    "This is Lance. I'll explain about him later." Said Seviper as he threw an eggpawn at another eggpawn.



  3. "Let's send these tincans back where they came from." Said Seviper 


    "Less talking more recycling!" Said Lance as he stabbed an eggpawn with his katana.


    Ally was worried for Stacey as well.


    "Who knows...it could be possible." Said Zangoose he made it to the other side.

  4. "Then why don't we make it good!" Said Seviper and Lance in unionson as the two darted through the woods.


    "That's troubling..." Said Zangoose 


    A robot snuck up on Ally, she quickly stuck her hands out and unknowingly froze the robot.


  5. Granted but it's filled with grilled cheese sandwiches! (I need it back by the way...)


    I wish the Jack in the Box man didn't watch me play the fiddle.

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