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Everything posted by Chaotix_Espio_24

  1. Non-Sonic Art Thread

  2. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    Possible, but I don't think that's what Archie intended.
  3. The Last post Challenge.

    Hey! Look guys! It's Spiney McFastness and Propeller Butt!
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    oooh, it's coming that soon? I can't wait!
  5. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Half of 70
  6. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: What about chocolate popcorn?
  7. Non-Sonic Art Thread

    Coolio! You colored that picture that I looooooooooooooooooooooved!
  8. The Last post Challenge.

    Today is backwards day, soooooooo: Geoffrey St John is Awesome
  9. Corrupt a Wish

    (Why? You're already all of that.) Granted but you're all those things to YOURSELF! I wish for a new jacket
  10. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: *Téléports to Dylan* Let's Watch a movie!
  11. General Art Thread

    Woahhhhhh, cool! What is it?
  12. The Last post Challenge.

    F...F...Friends? You're not gonna eat me, aren't you?
  13. Ban the above poster

    (Banned because: Sorry Dylan , I'll try my best) Lokhu kokuthola weirder lesibili (This is actually something, it's Zulu)
  14. Evil Nicole?

    Exactly what I meant
  15. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    just plain 33
  16. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    COOOOOOL l_l
  17. Evil Nicole?

    Good point, I mean why would the writers incorporate a bad guy who is all detailed and stuff, FOR ONE STORY? I don't really believe he's GONE, maybe he could turn back on Eggman like ADAM
  18. General Art Thread

  19. Ban the above poster

    (Moi je parle français) Wait do you mean my Lucky pillow? *Takes out sevi plushie from Pocket*
  20. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    and another one: 31
  21. Ban the above poster

    (banned because: oooooh, meatball and parmesan sphaggetti, sounds delicious) And bones. *rips out a tibia and puts it in spaghetti*
  22. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

  23. Ban the above poster

    banned because: Why u no take spaghetti in the face?
  24. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: SPAGHETTI FOR EVERYONE! *Téléports to the nearest pasta restaurant, takes 20 spaghetti plates, téléports back to everyone and throws the spaghetti in everyone's face, including myself*
