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Everything posted by Chaotix_Espio_24

  1. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted: but you can't eat it I wish that I could teleport at will
  2. The Largest Word Wins

    Microminiaturization (20)
  3. Incomplete Pages on Certain Comics

    Oh, okay
  4. Incomplete Pages on Certain Comics

    it's not like that for me.   And am I the only one that in sonic super digest 12, there is only a few pages? Like 5? Or is it supposed to look like that?
  5. Eggman's plan backfiring

    I'm pretty sure it still does.  
  6. The Largest Word Wins

    Is it a safe bet to guess that nobody is gonna have a bigger word without googling? (Probably )
  7. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted but there is no chocolate in the cookie. I wish I had a Gameboy
  8. The Largest Word Wins

    Microscopicably (16)
  9. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted but everyone hates you.   I wish I were green
  10. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: Daddy i'snt lucky
  11. The Last post Challenge.

    Sonic is a showoff.   I don't know if I writed that good.
  12. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted: Marketing trick   I wish to breathe underwater
  13. The Largest Word Wins

    We can't use words from other languages right?
  14. Two different animals breed, anybody finds that weird?

    Ohhhhhhh, okay thanks everyone!
  15. If the Archie Sonic series ends

    I'll have to agree with you on that. Sorry team random ;D
  16. General Trash

    Whoah, people here make long posts
  17. Ban the above poster

    banned because I havent read all the 527 pages xD
  18. Last to post wins v3.0

    I'm a ninja/chameleon/detective/better than all you said, so I WIN!
  19. What Kind of New Sonic Villains that Archie SHOULD Consider Making.

    OOOOHH, that's exciting!   What about that master Emerald shard?
  20. Two different animals breed, anybody finds that weird?

    What old timeline?
  21. How did Tails and Mina get together?

    Honestly, I think Skye knows more about this than all of us, (giggle)
  22. What Kind of New Sonic Villains that Archie SHOULD Consider Making.

    Does anyone know what happened to Naugus?
  23. If the Archie Sonic series ends

    teamrandom21 is maybe right, like, they stopped Sonic Boom and Mega Man, Sonic Boom was at only 11 issues!
  24. Killing time before the next comic

    Well, I normally Watch Youtube while I wait.
  25. Top Ten/Favourite Characters

    Hmmmmmmm, this one is hard. I think I'll only do a top 7. 1. Eclipse (shape shifting is awesome! 2. Espio (oviously) 3. Dr Finitevus (The portals are way too awesome) 4. Shadow (He's just cool) 5. Werehog Sonic 6. Knuckles 7. Bean
