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About Warp7hedgehog

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  1. General Trash

    But wait a second, Locke, are you talking about the steam box?
  2. PS4 or Xbox One. Which did you buy? (or did you buy a Wii U)

    I don't know why you would want Sonic Lost World? (Admitedly, I pre-ordered it but I didn't know how bad it was untill it was too late, I really anticipated that SLW would be one of the system sellers) But I got one for SM3DWand For SSB4, WITH FRIGGIN' MEGA MAN! But of course, I got the 3DS version. But I'm glad I got a WIi U.
  3. We all know that there's another topic about this debate, but that one was talking about the networks. I saw a video online saying that most of the launch titles for both suck, (check the reviews) which made me glad that I got a Wii U (I'm having a lot of fun with Super Mario 3D World). I heard that the other two consoles had problems playing games in full HD. But anyway, which console did you buy? I'd really like to see your opinions. (at least SM3DW ran in 1080p)
  4. I wish I could join the community but, it's already too late! I do think that there are other ways to support Mighty No. 9 BEFORE it launches as well. The only Mega Man game I played so far is the fan game "Mega Man Unlimited". So I definitely need to catch up (but I don't have an NES).
  5. General Trash

  6. Ideas for a better Sonic game

    We all know that SEGA has disapointed us (again) with Sonic Lost World. I personally can't believe they could screw up this time right after they got it right FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS! Well, guess what, I hope the people at SEGA read this and say "wow these are great ideas for a Sonic game! These people clearly know what they want!" Maybe we can come up with ideas for a better Sonic game. We still should keep in mind, we should preserve the classic gameplay of the old Sonic genesis games. It's like what the IGN review said, "Sonic Lost world lacks the speed, rythim and repetition the series was known for." We should include ideas that complement exactly that. For example: although it may sound weird, I would like to see a fast paced version of the "Batman Arkham Asylum" style combat because I played the game and found the combat. Style has a lot of rythim (did I spell it wrong again?) and repetition. Hey, that's just my opinion. However, we should also incorporate original ideas too. I learned some stuff on the Comcept website (they're the new company making Mighty no.9) go check it out. So let's see the ideas fly in! (I hope you're listening SEGA, Sonic Team, Atlas, whoever's making the game)
  7. SEGA or Nintendo: Which do you prefer?

    You know what, I DON'T CARE WHICH IS BETTER! Personally, I think that both companies are equall, even though I personally think that the Super Nintendo outperformed even the SEGA 32X (as long as there's a super FX)but however I think the Dreamcast did better than the N64. But I mean, the Dreamcast was a failure only because they lost the trust of the consumer, they had everything that a good console had: The "killer app" (by which I mean the game that pretty much represents the console that it's exclusive to), exelent games, it was lightyears ahead of it's time, an okay controller though, great third party support, best of all, there are people who still make games for the dreamcast. However, the N64's predecessor, the Super Nintendo, had THRIVED against competition from 32-bit systems like the 3DO, Amiga, Saturn, YOU NAME IT! It's only competition was the Playstation, but if you read the story, it was actually ripped off from what was Nintendo's "Play Station" (an add on to the super nintendo with a CD-ROM based system but tragically cancelled). The competition between the Genesis and Super Nintendo had beenthe most famous of all the battles, one had blast processing, the other could rotate, scale, even build 3D worlds with less sprites than the genesis, even without an enhancement chip! While even blast processing alone couldn't do it. But however, I like both. Nowadays, Sonic and Mario had started over, became good friends, even had an olympic games based crossover! Although it was being published by SEGA, it was built with Nintendo cooperation. So the wars are over I guess. (Or are they?)
  8. Yeah, I know how she is but I would like to know why fleetway design her so that she's intolerant of sonic instead of the other way around where amy is often waaaay into sonic's spikes (I know that the expression is in.his hair but sonic has spikes, NOT FUR).
  9. What's with the art in the Worlds Collide comics?

    Sure but what about "spaz"? He's been drawing for sonic the hegehog for around 20 years. (I'm talking about Patrick Spazintine)
  10. OK but why check THERE when we HAVE a whole collection of the fleetways ON THIS WEBSITE?
  11. I guess you could say that's "waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy past cool" you so called "dragon lord"(by the way, are you from Britain? Because you spelled "favorite" with the U in it and I'm american by the way) but what about common characters between both comics (Sonic and Tails obviously)? But the differences would be major. Well, I'm out of ideas (for now at least).
  12. Very interesting, but about one particular character who is a squirrel as far as I know who is in both comics.
  13. I know, in the fleetway comic, Earth is not mentioned at all! (But still I don't know why in the Archie comic the planet's name was changed from Earth to Mobius, it really makes little to no sense)
  14. This is Warp7hedgehog, I've been reading some of the british fleetway comics as well as the sonic comic by Archie comics. I found out that some things are similar between both series while others are completely different, like for example, the fleetway comic says that Tails came from another dimension or "zone" while the Archie comic has tails be from normal Mobius. There's other diferences, you can find out about them in the comic section, but guys, I'm kinda newly signed up here.
