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People who get the idea that... games is art and should be treated as cinematic events?

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I saw some funny spoof on this!

But basically there are people who literally think games would be better if they acted as purely cinematic stories... which i guess they kinda got their wish granted. Since most modern games on Xbox 360 etc, uses those literally plenty of times. If you compare old PS1 games, 3d platformers, Tomb Raider 1 and Crash Bandicoot. What i love about those is mostly it embraces the player in the game atmosphere. Sure some may have cutscenes, but here is what makes them gold. Its not central in terms of actual game atmosphere which is what drags you in and makes it fun, its more just there for background effect. Nothing more, nothing less. Like exploring and getting further. Having fun exploring the game itself, just really genius method i think of making a game fun to play

But i want to know your views aswell in terms of this?

Edited by SoniX

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