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Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

10 posts in this topic

Let's have topic to discuss this. Need any tip? Ask me myself. Even though every Video Game topic I made isn't even visited...So this is the last one.

I myself play this one but I'm still on the village elders 2 star quests. Now trying to get rid of the second "Main Boss".

Edit : I beated the hell out of the Khezu. He didn't even had the chance to escape from my newly made Black Katana MK I.

Edit 2 : I slayed the Blangonga. He wasn't anything special. Just My BK MK I was enough for it. I finally got the things needed for making BK MK II. It's ready.

Edit 3 : I nearly killed Kushala Daora. It escaped. I'm amazed myself about being able to scare such a Dragon, After all his an Elder Dragon.

Edit 4 : I again met Kushala, He still had that large scar I gave him last time on his eye. This time I killed him for good. Now I have plenty of daora materials.

Edit 5 : Had a rematch with Tigrex. Kicked his ass! He was on full offense and no defense so I took him down In no time...With lotsa Injuries. *Looks at the new Quests* HOLY SH*T 50% Of them are fights with Elder Draggys!

Edit 6 : Finished All Village Elders quests. Going to start Nekhots "SECRET" quests...

Edit 7 : Reached the last of Nekhots missions. Killed Nargaguca or whatever he is. His sword is quite impressive something that surpasses my FINAL Black Katana.

Edited by NMS

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Like I was saying earlier, I've never really got into the Monster Hunter series. I did try the demo of MH3 for Wii U and 3DS. The game reminds me a lot of Phantasy Star Online which is one of my favorite game series, but the combat just seems very slow... I dunno, maybe there is just more to it I don't get ;P

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It's not slow. It's just the normal combat speed I've seen in every game that's like MHFU. One example is Raven Sword 2 : Shadowlands for Android.

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Then I guess you never played Phantasy Star Universe or Phantasy Star Portable/2. Check them out, you might enjoy them!

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Nope I didn't play them. But I'm sure I've seen that name before....

I'll check it out. But I'm dead serious about finishing MHFU.

It's made by Sega's Sonic Team?! Hmmm...

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Don't let if stop you from finishing MHFU...

But yeah, it was huge back on the Dreamcast as Phantasy Star Online. Since you have a psp, you could go with either Phantasy Star Portables. The first one is just a portable version of Phantasy Star Universe. PSP2 is more of a blend of classic PSO and PSU. It's the better of the two and more of a challenge.

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I know. I'll check it out later....Another game of this kind has gotten me interested in it.

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I've Fantasy star,, its not fun, that game is utter crap compared to Monster Hunter.  Its more or less based on how a human could do if he had a  Great Sword, how fast could he swing it?  well if the sword looks to be the size of his whole body, then pretty Darn slow he can swing it.  I prefer the Sword and Sheild.  Fast swift attacks with a good reach, and a sheild incase you make a mistake.   The long sword feels like, "oh look! a monster! lets swing my sword wildly at him not minding the teammates hitting him as well."  and he starts swinging and knocks the other hunters on the floor, and the monster attack and we die and ugghhh.  I hate having that guy on our team.  the hammer is kinda quick but the FRIGGIN unsheathe attack UPPERCUTS and if that hits another hunter...  we are going to have to wait about 3 hours to fly in the air, hit the ground, stand up just to abandon the quest because some guy thinks its funny to uppercut teammates in the middle of the fight.  I truly think monster hunter more of a precision game with realistic dodgeable movements.  If the game was fast paced, newbies would get wrecked, if it was slow paced, we would have Fantasy Star (with glowing weapons!)

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That's true I guess. Fantasy Star wasn't interesting for me... But that's just me.

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To each their own, I suppose. I'm also a little biased since Phantasy Star Online was my first online experience and I usually prefer Science fiction to Medieval fantasy.


That said, I recently picked up Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate... and I have to say that game is awesome!

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