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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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I'm your dad. I have a magic connection with the master emerald , remember ? And that allows me to do a lot of nifty little tricks , haha :D Including a never ending amount of love for knuckles and his girlfriend.

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*Throws pinecone at Locke from tree*

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*Steals Master Emerald causing Angel Island to fall on top of Dilly*

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Ha , goeffrey , Stealing the emerald once again.... good thing I have a spare , Am I ?

By the way , the one you stole is rigged with explosive ."push button, causing an explosion that make goeffrey fly" And they said skunk couldn't fly !

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This Skunk has flown before and Locke ou will find the explosives are on your feet.

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*Throws a pinecone at both Locke and Geoffrey*

Geoffrey, the island can't squash me if I'm still on it

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Well, you are still flying . But You forgot one Thing goeffrey: I . AM. YOU.

"plot twist"

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So, if I throw a pinecone at Geoffrey, I'm throwing one at you? And if I throw a pinecone at you, I'm throwing it at Geoffrey?

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We are one, and one are we.

Beside, both of us will just throw it back no matter what.

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If you can hit me up this tree

*Throws another two*

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*Chops down Tree Dilly is in*

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I appear to habe angered the Spy .

Well back to work then...

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*Teleports into another tree and throws a pinecone at Geoffrey*

I still agree with Geoffrey. He is a skunk. Your an echidna

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Maybe , but he still haven't try to spend time with his wife . He keep on that way , and he'll end up wifeless!!!

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This coming from a wifeless echidna!

*Throws another pinecone*

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You can talk , you aren't even in a relationship , if with hamlin.

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No I'm not, but you don't see me giving advice with relationships

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Yeah, well, have some pinecone

*Throws another pinecone at Locke*

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Your aim is worse than stormtroopers. That completely missed

*Throws another straight at Locke*

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"Grab it on the fly" you say what you want, but you aren't doing much in the area of actually touching me.

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You got that one. So have some more

*Throws a few more in Locke's direction*

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"Avoid them all." I'm a guardian , You can't touch this ."Proceed to dance".

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This Skunk has had enough!!

*Chops down all the trees then sets them on fire*

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