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Everything posted by Margred

  1. Ban the above poster

    Banned because nope D:
  2. Ban the above poster

    Banned because I have cookies <3 :D
  3. Corrupt a Wish

    you get world :D I wish something random
  4. Ban the above poster

    Banned because yesh xD
  5. Corrupt a Wish

    yesh xD not that guy D: you get flowerrr :D I wish teddybear :D
  6. Ban the above poster

    Banned because Teacher come O.o
  7. Corrupt a Wish

    You get Intelligence agent 2.0 :D I wish x
  8. Ban the above poster

    Banned because yesh :D
  9. Corrupt a Wish

    you get fire :D I wish cookies!
  10. Ban the above poster

    Banned because O.o Coool :D
  11. Corrupt a Wish

    you get yourself D: xD I wish :)
  12. Ban the above poster

    Banned because Where is everybody? D: :b
  13. Corrupt a Wish

    You get Death note :b I wish sun
  14. Ban the above poster

    Banned because Thanksssssss :D
  15. Corrupt a Wish

    D: you get Yuno Gasai :D I wish tea :D
  16. Ban the above poster

    Banned because I don't like coffee but I still drink it sometimes O-o
  17. Corrupt a Wish

    You get Jeff the killer xD I wish fooood~
  18. Ban the above poster

  19. Corrupt a Wish

    You get......................Slender man xD I wish candy! ::D
  20. Corrupt a Wish

    you get NMS! xD I wish randomnessssssss! xD
  21. Ban the above poster

    Banned because hellloooo :D
  22. Corrupt a Wish

    you get everything I wish snake
  23. Corrupt a Wish

    you get ice :D I wish snow
  24. Ban the above poster

  25. Corrupt a Wish

    ( yesh ::D) you get :) I wish new phone
