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Everything posted by Margred

  1. RING RING Telephone!

    Starscream is a pwetty disney princess and an scary zombie happy kitty created fabulous France sparkle Megatron!! LUIGI EVOLVE TO PEACH!
  2. Ban the above poster

    Banned because banana :3
  3. Corrupt a Wish

    You get toffee :D I wish for something random :D
  4. Ban the above poster

    Banned because lol :D
  5. Ban the above poster

    Banned because :)
  6. Corrupt a Wish

    You get :b :D I wish for randomnessssssszz! :D
  7. RING RING Telephone!

    Light Yagami is a pwetty disney princess and an scary kitty created fabulous France sparkle monster!! MARIO EVOLVE TO PEACH!
  8. Ban the above poster

    Banned because :D D: :D D: :b
  9. Ban the above poster

    Banned because :D
  10. RING RING Telephone!

    Light Yagami is a pwetty disney princess and an kitty created fabulous sparkle monster!! MARIO EVOLVE TO PEACH!
  11. Ban the above poster

    Banned because lol
  12. Corrupt a Wish

    You get Grell :D I wish for ?
  13. RING RING Telephone!

    Light Yagami is a pwetty disney princess and an pink created fabulous sparkle monster!! MARIO EVOLVE TO PEACH!
  14. Ban the above poster

    Banned because Grell :D
  15. Ban the above poster

    Banned because Toy Freddy :D
  16. Ban the above poster

    Banned because FOXY! :D
  17. Ban the above poster

    Banned because :b
  18. Ban the above poster

    Banned because :b
  19. Corrupt a Wish

    D: I don't like zombies! Dx ;-; You get your zombies back :b I wish for something but not zombies Dx
  20. RING RING Telephone!

    Light Yagami is a pwetty disney princess and an pink note ate fabulous sparkle monster!! STUDENTS EVOLVE TO PEACH!
  21. Corrupt a Wish

    You get normal teachers :b I wish for something :b
  22. Ban the above poster

    Banned because :D
  23. RING RING Telephone!

    Light Yagami is a pwetty disney princess and an pink death note ate fabulous sparkle monster!! STUDENTS EVOLVE TO!
  24. Ban the above poster

    Banned because :b
  25. Corrupt a Wish

    You get ten chao friend I wish for happiness.....
