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Status Replies posted by Guest

  1. Has anyone else ever been so tired that when you fall asleep then try to wake up you just can't? even if you want to?

  2. Has anyone else ever been so tired that when you fall asleep then try to wake up you just can't? even if you want to?

  3. In real life I might seem to be a quiet person. but those who know me online know that I'm completely mad and proud of it!! xD

  4. Just because I might act normal sometimes doesn't mean I am normal

  5. If I like Games, Anime, Manga and Creepy Pasta... does that make me: Super Paranoid Gamer Otaku? or: Supagaot! in short? o_o

  6. It's Tuesday; the most boring day of the week.

  7. being mad is cool.. but being mad and Otaku is even better! xD
