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Everything posted by silverwarrior

  1. Gold the Tenrec discussion

    Ok i've read the entire "silver age" comic and i have to say that gold is my second favorite character, right behind silver. but i feel like there's still a lot to learn about Gold. like: 1) what are her powers? i know shes a telapath, but can she also open portals. also i heard a guy on deviantart say he heard that she also had telekinesis (sounds like rumor to me though) 2) besides her fleeing to silver's world and becoming a test subject for the counsel, is there any other interesting bits of her past. 3) when silver and the professor first met gold, she seemed to hesitate before saying her name was "gold" call me paranoid, but i thought that was strange, like she just made it up.   4) in the comment section of Evan's deviantart page, she told someone (and i'm just paraphrasing what she said) that shipping silver and gold would be sorta awkward, she couldn't say why. but in some way gold and silver are like "twins" but aren't, she just couldn't say why because it would spoil things yet to come. but whats strange is that evan states that you could still ship them if you wanted. 5) where did the genesis portal take them? part of me is hoping that after the "eggmans dozen" arc they'll do a "silver age & eggmans dozen" story like they did for knuckles and shadow.  so all these questions are swarming around my head and i was wondering if others had other questions or heard things that people like me haven't. plus any other comments about the gold Heroine would be great.  P.S if anyone needs links to my sources, just ask.
  2. Gold the Tenrec discussion

    sorry i been quite for a while, haven't had much to say. but recently Evan just released new info on Gold, which sorta answers questions 1,2 and 4. hope its okay to post the link. http://spiritsonic.tumblr.com/post/139404583319/can-i-ask-for-gold#disqus_thread
  3. Gold the Tenrec discussion

    interesting...i was working outside when i came up with a strange thought. what if gold is the reason silver can time travel? i mean it sorta appears that she can make Genesis portals, perhaps she will or already knows how to create them, also (i wish a played more of the games), but did they ever mention how silver times travels? (excluding sonic 2006) what if archie puts their own little spin on the games like they do for the game tie-ins. what if it was gold that sent silver to the past in the games. though this idea has many holes in it. i feel that in the silver age comic, silver hadn't done anytime travel yet (just a feeling i have) he didn't seemed to worried at first at fixing the whole time and space thing that he's known for fixing in the games. so if i'm correct that the comic is trying to get closer to the game continually without making it canon, this might be the start of silvers adventures as a time traveler (AKA a prelude) with gold and the professor as a means of that time travel. gold=open time portals, professor=calculations/gadgets/other science stuff. though i understand this seems very unlikely, but a person can hope. go team Psych!
  4. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    Hmm... who is the Twelfth egg boss? i don't know why they are keeping it for the last issue, we were already surprise to see returning favorites like Conquering storm and the grand whats his name from the battle bird armada (i forgot his name) plus we got to see some new ones as well. so the twelfth one must be a very big deal to keep it a secret like that. though part of me hopes that my theory of it being silver,gold or the professor is correct, i dunno why but i felt that the silver age story was..well a little rushed and that they might do what they did with the shadow and knuckles arcs by doing tie-in for both. anyways i'm looking forward to reading the eggman arc.
  5. Gold the Tenrec discussion

    yeah, i wish there will be more backstory on her soon, i don't believe they are twins, but i like Skye's idea that she's silver from an alternate dimension, though anything is possible i suppose. And gold could actually be her name,but its just seems to be too big of a coincidence. and i didn't realize it before but it sorta does seems like gold and her telepathic voice seem to talk differently. Gold= worried.  mysterious head voice=calm, collected. could be nothing but hey, I've been surprise many times by the comic.
