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Posts posted by BlurryDawgo

  1. Kinda got a weather mix-up over here in southern Blighty at the moment. One day it's sunny and nice, and the next is a chilly ten Celsius. Heard that the Scots have it worse.

    Also, hey long time no see.

  2. It's been a while since I posted some good art.

    So, behold the power OF MY ULTIMATE MASTERPIECE!

    Hidden Content

    Okay, maybe not "ultimate", but I do take pride in this.

    Looks adorable, should I assume the baby is Sly and Carmelita's?

    Yeah, it's kind of a fandom-specific niche. That said, little Becca here is gonna grow up to be a Deadpool-level fourth wall breaker. Occassionally, she'll even screw around with YOUR OCs.

  3. It's been a while since I posted some good art.

    So, behold the power OF MY ULTIMATE MASTERPIECE!


    Okay, maybe not "ultimate", but I do take pride in this.

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  4. Hey, guys. Please read below. Need a bit of help.

    The (up-to-date) iPad Pro that I use seems to have an issue, and I can't play mobile YouTube videos in other apps or tabs.

    Typically, if I was playing a video in one tab and I went into another, the sound would keep playing automatically. If I left the Safari app, it would stop playing, but by swiping up and pressing the "play" button on the Control Center, it would play in other apps fine.

    However, it somehow stopped working. Every time I leave the tab that the video was playing in, it stops playing the sound, and while the title of the video is in the Control Center, when I try playing it it resets immediately and I have to go all the way back to the original tab again.

    However, I noticed that the AirPlay function on my iPad has spontaneously turned on. I attempted to turn it off by going to the proper area in my Control Center as said by several guides, but it seems to be searching for or picking up one of two Apple TVs that are apparently nearby, so I can't find the "off" button there.

    Can any of you please help me with this situation? Thank you.

  5. This seems to be the next popular indie game, so as such, obligatory topic is obligatory.

    I played it through once, enjoyed it. Loved the characters, loved the style, and the story was touching, heartwarming and suspenseful all at once.

    Gameplay-wise it was also fun, but the platforming elements could've used a bit more tuning in my opinion.

    Night in the Woods is available on PC and PS4. It tells the story of Mae, a college dropout coming back to her hometown, but home isn't exactly what it used to be.

    Post your thoughts below.

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  6. Is it okay for me to say that Final Fantasy XV actually kinda did a decent job of repairing the series' reputation? After all, it's gotten some of the best reviews of a major FF game in a while, created a relatively active fanbase of its own, won multiple awards, and it sold five million copies overnight. Eat your heart out, Lightning.

    Personally, I've had a really good time with FFXV. Even if the overarching story isn't entirely coherent (yet still understandable), it gives me enough motiviation to keep going ahead. As for the actual writing and characters, it's pretty well done and enjoyable. I adore Noctis, Prompto, Ignis and Gladiolus. All four of them are entertaining, funny and relatable, so much that the massive amount of party banter doesn't even annoy me. And the acting is pretty darn good, too.

    The Kingdom Hearts-esque real-time gameplay itself is rather fun—you can use a variety of moves and techniques in battle, and even if a game over is a little harder to get (by comparison, anyway), you still can face a lot of challenge. And your party members are impressive in battle, too—I was actually having a far harder time when one or two of them were out. Plus, you can set it so that when standing still in battle, time freezes unless the gauge ends. Oh, and for those who've already played this, don't tell me that you didn't spam the warp-strike ability. Camera's still buggy, but I know that I've dealt with much worse.

    As for graphics, Square did good. Practicially everything is pretty, detailed and realistic. Even flans are visually impressive. Yoko Shimomura is on music for this game, and that's definitely a plus.

    And that's all the thoughts I could think of for tonight. I'd recommend this game to anyone who loves the Final Fantasy series or just a good action-adventure/RPG game in general. Good night, and remember to buy some Cup Noodles on your next shopping trip. Thank you for reading.

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  7. so my little boys finally came home :D


    That's Kille. Though it's hard to tell them apart from pics, Riku is more brownish color, while Kille is grey.



    I only managed to get these two pics from Riku ;_; He's so shy. 



    2 people like this

  8. So I was able to finish 2.8. My thoughts (spoiler-free) are below.

    Dream Drop Distance:

    • Virtually the same as the 3DS version
    • Controls well and runs at 60FPS during gameplay
    • Felt better when using the PS Vita's Remote Play feature despite the framerate drop

    Back Cover:

    • Better organized than the previous two cutscene films despite having a similar format
    • The visuals give an occasional "plastic" quality at times to characters, but are beautiful nonetheless, thanks to the Unreal Engine 4
    • The story is only decent but the script is pretty good
    • The Master of Masters is the best character of the story—Ray Chase does a spectacular voice, and nearly everything he says is so dry-witted that it becomes hilarious
    • Compared to 358/2 Days, however, it was shorter
    • The acting is nothing spectacular, just on par with the rest of the series

    0.2: Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-:

    • This playable episode acts mostly as a test/demo for Kingdom Hearts III
    • The gameplay is mostly similar to that of Kingdom Hearts II with hints of the original Birth by Sleep, with the Command Menu, the rechargeable MP Gauge and the Focus Gauge
    • "Situation Commands" replace both the Reaction Commands and Command Styles, yet behave more like the latter; a chain of combos will eventually activate the Situation Command as either a Command Style or fourth tier "-aja" spell depending on whether the style is primarily attack- or magic-based.
    • Enemies (and AI overall) are smarter and have more unpredictable attack patterns–mashing X to win won't work as well anymore, so use all the skills you have available
    • Aqua has an idle animation and picks up speed as she runs
    • They finally fixed Mickey's face, thank god
    • Doesn't seem to work as well on Remote Play as games like Final Fantasy XV—I noticed glitching even when there was no obstruction
    • You start at LV 50 but even the weakest enemies give hundreds of EXP points

    If you actually want me to do a spoilerific story recap, just let me know.

  9. I'd rank what little I've seen of it higher than the other CN reboots, and by that, I mean it's still kind of substandard. I personally hoped for an action cartoon revival given the original creators were behind it.

    Oh, well. We have Justice League Action, which is miles better than most 11-minute Cartoon Network shows.

  10.  Issue #92 was pretty cool, as character-driven stories in Sonic usually are, and the Chaotix's interactions with the Pirates of the Setting Dawn were great. Maybe this could beat Eggman's Dozen as the best arc post-Worlds Unite.

    Long story short, Razor (a former member himself) and Vector "surrender" to the pirates and pretend to want to join them to get Undina back, using a confused and betrayed Echo as an unknowing fake hostage. As the pirates are low on crew ever since the co-captain and the others ran off, they accept and Echo is put in the brig. It's revealed that the reason the pirates needed Deena as she would be able to help them find treasure, that of which required reading a language only she could understand to find. They shanghaied her when she was travelling the world after leaving Spagonia University (and meeting with Honey in Empire City so that she could make more money for travel—and that's kinda how she got that umbrella), but she doesn't really mind since being with the pirates means she can travel for free. (Boy, Papa Puff's gonna explode when he hears of this!)

    The Pirates of the Setting Dawn introduced are:

    • Captain Shellbreaker Otter—the head honco, values trust and cooperation, charismatic and makes occasional "otter" puns
    • Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab—the oldest and most experienced of the pirates and Shellbreaker's advisor
    • Opal the Jellyfish—playful and mischievous, took most of Deena's jewelry
    • Dive the Lemming—Vector threw him at first and the sea calls to him
    • Blade the Shark—Razor's sister, was raised alongside him by Mr. Bristles when they were found stealing from the Knives

    The co-captain who sold out mentioned earlier? Yes, it was Abyss. She grew up with the pirates and the ships she now has were once their armada. As for Razor, we know he left some time after Abyss and most of the other pirates did due to a "philosophical disagreement"—which is revealed to be about plundering critical medicine shipments that people needed, and selling them at a much higher price. (A few folks even guess that their actions may have indirectly led to Cassia and Clove joining the Eggman Empire as well.) However, as a result of all of their losses, the pirates are more than happy to welcome him back despite leaving him for dead.

    In this story, I really like how Charmy and Opal are just really friendly to each other despite one being more snarky than the other—it really highlights how sometimes Charmy can actually live up to his name sometimes. As for Vector, he really seems to enjoy talking to the pirates despite being undercover, as seen with his interactions with Mr. Bristles and Captain Shellbreaker, emphasizing his role as a leader. Espio is unsurprisingly the most hesitant to talk to the pirates due to his skepticism and dislike of thieves. Also, Deena acts suspicious for a second.

    Adam's art is nice as usual, and is more expressive than ever in this part. I really like how he draws Vector, for example.

    And last, but not at all least, the Off-Panel (click for larger image):


    But enough about that, the next issue (#93) is already out now! Go get it!

  11. The only thing I can use to summarise my thoughts on this is the word "hype"–players have said that the physics and gameplay are as good, if not superior, to the original Genesis games (yes, I just said that). And the people behind it are all Sonic enough to make this work. Taxman and Stealth did a spectacular job with the remakes for Sonic CD, 1 and 2, and PagodaWest Games already have a reputation with games like Major Magnet, of which has taken some inspiration from Sonic. And their in-house composer, Tee Lopes, has made excellent re-imaginings of Sonic music in the past, and you can see his talent in Studiopolis Zone's BGM. And little things such as the return of the Combined Ring power-up (last seen in Knuckles' Chaotix) and the million-and-one Easter eggs you can find in Studiopolis just prove that SEGA got the right guys for the job.

    I will buy Sonic Mania on the day it comes out, and I will play the living and breathing hell out of it.

    Sorry for the double post, but I played Mania once at a gaming convention. It was as fun as they said it would be.

  12. Interesting topic you got here.

    Well, for starters, I'll tell you about whatever fan-made Sonic content I don't like.

    One: I'd just like to point out that seeing soft porn or other moderate NSFW art or concepts of Sonic characters doesn't impact me as much as it used to, so long as it's in decent taste and isn't run or weird and extremely specific fetishes. (Jennifer Hernandez has an "after dark" account on Twitter and the header has a certain black hedgehog playing top fork, by the way.) The "what I don't like" part is the distasteful stuff, of course. I'm fine with anything playful as long as it has brain standards such as close-aged and mature characters and not romanticizing abuse. Very defined brain standards.

    Two: The art thieves and the crap they regurgitate. Oh, god. You know what I'm talking about. People who would rather clone the hard work of SEGA or even another artist and deface it rather than do it themselves. What we get are horrible, uncreative recolor designs and the original artist gets the short end of the stick because of the thievery. For a victim of it, try the Sonic artist E-Vay. Does she have stories to tell.

    Three: Really, anything uncreative, sloppy, boring or hateful. Sues and Stus, apathetically dark and lazy slash, bland and uncreative fan-children and self-inserts, "this character should die", you get the idea. Yes, the people who make these can be younger fans, but it's one of the reasons why I think DeviantART needs to put a tighter leash on its members due to how absurd it is. Some of these clichés can be improved and fleshed out as seen with the popular Sonamy fankid Aurora (created by the aforementioned E-Vay) and how much healthy meat is on her bones, but trying to find these exceptions are like trying to find a needle in a hay factory. As for ships, I don't want anything like what we saw in the post-Sonic Adventure era of the comics. And I hate seeing Sally and Amy fighting or demonized. SO MUCH.

    I could also say that I hate any Sonic art that is unexpressive because it doesn't visually interest me, but that's too preferenced.

    Now on to the fans themselves. The species of the obstinate and rude vocal minority include:

    Fanboys: Unhealthily giant and feckless fanboys of Sonic who are not just indifferent to anything else but will treat anything other than Sonic with aggression. Note the aggression part since there can be an excuse for fanboying as seen with Sonic fans on the autism spectrum who can't help it. Just the mean and unimproving ones are in this category.

    The opinionated: Sonic fans who are extremely defensive of their opinions and will go to any length to preserve them, e.g. aggressive and sensational Sonic Boom or Big haters who will not only waste time and energy on rants and stupid demotivation posters, but will also be mean to their fellow fans about their counter-opinions and will keep themselves in a self-filter bubble.

    Trolls: Any further description would be an insult to your intelligence.

    And that's it. Sorry if you get a bit lost–my Internet writing skills are a little out of practice.

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  13. I see a significant difference between these two cases.

    Harley has (almost) no physical superiority over the Joker. Thunderbolt, unlike Eggman, has a natural? superpower, that lightning thingy (though I'm not sure if it's truly natural or if that "tiara" she wears is what gives her powers), so, in a way, she has some kind of advantage in the case of a conflict with Robotnik. Sure, she's her "sidekick", but a really dangerous one...

    Other than that, yeah, their relationships are quite similar, but the backstory of the Doctor and the Chinchilla sure is completely different from the Clown and her jester...

    Eggman could just paralyze her for that, it does come from the cybernetics, and it's unlikely to happen since she's probably the only person in the world who admires him unconditionally. A lot. Plus, Eggy DOES reward loyalty.

    As for your second point, yes, Thunderbolt isn't Eggman's right-hand woman. She probably fantasizes about it, though, evidenced by how she stuck her face onto a picture of Metal Sonic and Eggman. So maybe we can list her as Eggman's wannabe Harley Quinn, who wishes one day to rule by his side and torment every insubordinate non-Eggmanist pest on Mobius.

    But then Eggman promotes Wendy to lackey instead and Soumerca is suddenly a giant smoking parking lot.

  14. I always figured that SCANF would've been given a cease-and-desist letter if this sort of thing would happen, but seeing you give up the comics willingly and honorably is just...awesome. I feel proud.

  15. The only thing I can use to summarise my thoughts on this is the word "hype"–players have said that the physics and gameplay are as good, if not superior, to the original Genesis games (yes, I just said that). And the people behind it are all Sonic enough to make this work. Taxman and Stealth did a spectacular job with the remakes for Sonic CD, 1 and 2, and PagodaWest Games already have a reputation with games like Major Magnet, of which has taken some inspiration from Sonic. And their in-house composer, Tee Lopes, has made excellent re-imaginings of Sonic music in the past, and you can see his talent in Studiopolis Zone's BGM. And little things such as the return of the Combined Ring power-up (last seen in Knuckles' Chaotix) and the million-and-one Easter eggs you can find in Studiopolis just prove that SEGA got the right guys for the job.

    I will buy Sonic Mania on the day it comes out, and I will play the living and breathing hell out of it.
