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Everything posted by MetalSkulkBane_PL

  1. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Well if no one going to anwser that simple question that by the way totally didnt leave me guessing for hours...That is Doctor Horatio Quentin Quack.
  2. Who am I? Sonic edition

    But he lives in my heart. Honestly, one of my favourite characters after all these years. That quote perfectly sums his tragedy.
  3. Who am I? Sonic edition

  4. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Yeah, way too obvious. So not Shadow.
  5. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Nope. Not even close.
  6. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Bean. Dint have to read rest. Anyway for next I'll quote one of my faves: Sonic: Why can't you be hero again, ??? ? ???: Because it never works.
  7. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Well, if no one else is going to say it: Princess Sally Acorn.
  8. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Right again.
  9. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Ok, something new: character NOT from the comics. Robot that fell in love with Antoine.
  10. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Hm, I'm gonna guess. Cocoa the Cat?
  11. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Geoffrey is right again. Congratulations, your turn.
  12. Who am I? Sonic edition

    No, she appearead once in one of Specials such as Sonic Live, during earliest years, even before issue 25.
  13. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Also nope
  14. Who am I? Sonic edition

  15. Who am I? Sonic edition

    OK, my turn: Tails's first love interest. One appearance.
  16. Sonic Super Special Magazine- only three issues?

    Well, there is propably one on youtube, other than that I'm out of ideas.
  17. Who am I? Sonic edition

    I think its Jordan, brother of Aaron.
  18. Sonic Super Special Magazine- only three issues?

    I dont think thre is one on this site, but you can find it here: http://tails.kicks-ass.net/index.php?area=comics&comic=7&view=The%20Complete%20Sonic%20Comic%20Encyclopedia
  19. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    No, where? I cant find it.
  20. Favorite Webcomics?

    Order of Stick which is both hilarious and capable of telling amazing story. Updating 8-bit Theater worlds cant describe how funny it is even if start is a little slow. I find myself quoting it years after reading it. For your sake READ IT. Finished Basic Instructions another funny with simple but original idea. Updating Kid Radd great story about video game characters, Finished
  21. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Dissapointment. This arc is suppose to go for 12 issues and 4 are gonna get wasted for Sonic vs Mega Man battle? Its not even very exciting battle.
  22. Which was your favourite Sonic Universe arc so far? (If you read it)

    Hmm, despite my admiration to reeboted XYL and the awesomness of Silver story, I have to choose Treasure Team Tango. it was so funny, so cute, so awesome. The only down side was that Rouge was willing to destroy universe, just to get gems for boss. They really didn't have to mentioned that. BUT if I was going to choose favourite issue, it wouldn't be any of above. Sonic Universe number 1 was my first Archie comic I read. I had Blaze, best Metal Sonic in comics so far (We will see if SU50 model will beat him), who is my favourite characte, in awesome battle with my second favourite character, Shadow. Add incredibly funny Marine (which to me never was that annoing) and we have my favourite Archie Comic of all times.
