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Everything posted by MetalSkulkBane_PL

  1. Who am I? Sonic edition

    No, but I think about someone similar in form to his partner.
  2. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Did I ever said he was from the games?
  3. Who am I? Sonic edition

  4. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Cool Why I had so little appearances in the comics? I appeared somewhere else, but there I was forgotten as well. All that despite being one of doctor earliest badniks, his propably favorite. I wasn't very useful but I did tried to kil Sonic in original mini-series. But most people remember those other badniks from that other continuity, very different to mine. They were even brought back recently in comics. When I think about it, one of them kinda looks like me.. Mabe we're based on the same badnik?
  5. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Hmm, Gala-Na?
  6. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Congratulation, yes its Crocbot. See Geoff, during ENDGAME Crocbot appeared as warden of Downunda prison. Bunnie and Antoine were prisoners there but escaped. Later we learned that he was defeated in Super Sonic Special number 4.
  7. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Les gather clues: rules wannabe, defeated off-screen in second appearance, plot twist appearance in third, debut outside main-series, Robotnik's minion, fought someone other that Sonic. Also: forth appearance was written by Ian Flynn. I have no idea what else I can say.
  8. Who am I? Sonic edition

    No. If you think about it Sonic barely ever fought that villain. Heck, Knothole Freedom Fighters arent his/hers biggest problem.
  9. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Ok what if I sat that this character propably doesnt consider Sonic as main nemesis.
  10. Who am I? Sonic edition

    No I dont.
  11. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Interesting guess, but no. He wasnt beaten off-screen in his second apearance. I'add that this character worked for Robotnik and first appeared in NOT a main series.
  12. Who am I? Sonic edition

    No. A litle bit more obscure villain, but as you can tell, he/she had at least 3 apearances
  13. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Nope and Nope. I add this to clarity: by fall I meant defeat not literal fall to the ground.
  14. Who am I? Sonic edition

    According to rules: -The winner got 48 hours to make a new question, otherwise it's someone else their turn. No one said who gets a turn But I'm assuming that's anyone who wants. So I'm taking this one: In my first appearance I wanted to rule it all, In my second you've never seen me fall, In appearance number three, till the end you didnt know it was me. Who am I?
  15. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Yes, its them.
  16. Who am I? Sonic edition

    No, there are Koala from Sol Dimension, they're named in games.
  17. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Oh, I kinda thought he worked with them AT THE SAME TIME. Now it makes sense after re-reading. OK now somethink different: Hamlin is the only named/important/known pig in comic and his buddy Dylan is the only known porcupine. Now name 2 female characters that are only known members of their species (list is actually really short...) and know each other well.
  18. Who am I? Sonic edition

    That makes me think its Rotor, which I suspected but I dont remember any workings with 2 old scientists, thought I suspect Uncle Chuck is one of them.
  19. Who am I? Sonic edition

    OK then, I have no idea whatsover who could it be. Another hint would be welcome and not to be cheeky, but considering there is only one ancient scientist (Dimitri) and four child prodigies (Tails, Miles, Hope and Marine) if riddle says "three guys, two of them old worked together" than a hint stating "third guy was in fact younger that old guys" isnt very helpful.
  20. Who am I? Sonic edition

    I think it's Tails but I'm not sure about situation. Mobius X Years Later?
  21. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Hmm, I could use another hint.
  22. sonic the hedgehog and sabrina the teenage witch (Part 1)

    That part 2 continuing from part 1.
  23. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Yes, its Johnny, Metal Scourge would fit, but he never raced against Sonic. Question goes to gentleman with cheerleader as a avatar.
  24. sonic the hedgehog and sabrina the teenage witch (Part 1)

    Preety sure it isnt here. I got it from Tails.Kick-ass.net where also found Archie minis, Encyclopedia and some missing pages.
  25. Who am I? Sonic edition

    OK, I hope this one will be easy: he races against Sonic, he's green, but he's not Jet, he's robot, but he's not Metal.
