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Everything posted by NegaMetallix

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Well... I definately didn't see that one coming, but at least we know that the Freedom Fighters will be returning straight away. But this gets me thinking: They made that big deal about using the Krudzu plant to de-roboticise Sally, but now it looks like she'll just come back as soon as Worlds Collide is over. I dunno, it just seems like they're gonna retcon almost everything from before the crossover... *sigh* all I can do is just hope for the best. Also, 'dark power seeping from the earth' ...Dark Gaia, perhaps? I'm interested to find out who the 'unlikely character' is, as well as Eggman vs G.U.N.
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    That's what I'm thinking too. It just bugs me that they made a big deal about it in SU#50, and then just throw it all aside for the crossover straight after. Also, on the topic of Metal being like his game counterpart, could it be that the Metal Sonic in the crossover isn't actually v3.8 (the newly-rebuilt one)? It's unlikely, but who knows? Either way, if Metal gets pummeled at least 2 more times, we'll finally be moving on to Metal Sonic v4.0... which'll probably still look like the previous ones. Oh well...
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Didn't they make a big deal about Metal Sonic being more dangerous and deadly in Universe #50? And why doesn't he say anything in the crossover even though he has a new voice chip now? (Then again, time-space did get altered due to the Genesis Wave, possibly making him act more like his game counterpart... but still.)
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    It would certainly finish up that lingering plotline, though I think Archie might end it via story-arc later down the line. (Or perhaps even during Countdown To Chaos...)
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Well, assuming they don't change: Silver will have a headache, and Shard might get rebuilt/fixed. (I really hope he does!) As for the others... I don't know.
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Oh yeah, Rouge Woman. She was in... two panels, I think? (Seriously, what was even the point?)
  7. So... This is my first topic here, and I only find it fitting that it's a major topic. Anyone who has read or owns Sonic The Hedgehog Issue 250 has probably noticed a teaser for events to come after Worlds Collide: While the Mega Man one is obvious... it looks like things aren't gonna go well for Sonic. What are your thoughts?
  8. While I do look forward to Lost World (both versions, mind you) it's not looking like one of the absolute best Sonic games in my opinion. The gameplay to me looks like a blend of Classic, Adventure and even a bit of Modern, with similarities to (but NOT inspired by) Super Mario Galaxy, and I'm fine with that. As for the characters... meh. I mean, SEGA just haven't been utilising the other characters lately. Granted, there's a chance that Amy & Knux will have bigger roles in Lost World (keyword being CHANCE) but I'd like to see others get some more time in the spotlight in future games. One theory that I've had on my mind in terms of playable characters in single-player is doing something akin to Sonic Rush Adventure: Having a linear storyline involving multiple characters, which you unlock throughout the game. For example, you start the game with just Sonic. Along the way you unlock other speed-based characters like Shadow and Blaze, but you're still play the same story. There could even be other storylines for different gameplay styles, like maybe having a Knuckles story and unlocking characters like Rouge later on. Also, each character would have slightly different stats: e.g. for speed-based, Sonic is the fastest, but has a lower jump height, and vice-versa for Blaze. As for storylines themselves, I'd personally like to see something like Unleashed: Not too dark/serious, but not overly goofy either. I think that Unleashed hit the right feel of a Sonic story (minus the Werehog, of course). Anyway, I've rambled on for long enough. These are just my thoughts on the possible future of Sonic games.
  9. Sonic's world Post-"Worlds Collide"? (SPOILERS)

    Yeah, I'm also thinking that it's some kind of side-effect. After all, Mobius has now been altered TWICE! Perhaps the world is just de-stabilising on it's own. And/or if it involves the Xorda or Black Arms (at least we'd know who won the battle) that could lead to some interesting storylines, but I doubt that it'll be them... yet. Either way, looks like we might have an idea on what the 'Countdown To Chaos' storyline could be about...
  10. Ken Penders Topic...

    If anyone's curious, I've started a new topic on the teaser image of events Post-Worlds Collide from STH#250. It certainly adds a new layer of curiosity on top of Ian Flynn's post.
  11. Ken Penders Topic...

    Just thought you guys should see this: http://www.tssznews.com/2013/07/03/flynn-comments-in-wake-of-archie-v-penders-settlement/ What are your thoughts on this, guys?
