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Spark Falls

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Status Replies posted by Spark Falls

  1. How many posts do you have to do tell you get advanced member because I've been on this sight for a couple years but I didn't sine up at that point so I really would like to post as many Itimes as it takes to become a advanced member

  2. How many posts do you have to do tell you get advanced member because I've been on this sight for a couple years but I didn't sine up at that point so I really would like to post as many Itimes as it takes to become a advanced member

  3. How many posts do you have to do tell you get advanced member because I've been on this sight for a couple years but I didn't sine up at that point so I really would like to post as many Itimes as it takes to become a advanced member

  4. Just read the Sonic Dash adaptation in super special 10. AMY IS EVEN MORE ANNOYING THAN BEFORE!!!! I'm gonna go listen to MegaMan music to cheer myself up.

  5. No I just get on during free time in class

  6. Is there someway to change my name? I wish to represent my FC Andrew instead of Nazo.

  7. For some reason whenever I post on the rp2 I don't gain a higher post thing I don't get it

  8. Anyone have a fav sonic song? I like his world, dreams of absolution, i am all of me, wrapped in black, and emerald hill zone.

  9. Vocaloide music rocks=)

  10. Hahn they changed the banner

  11. My op was a success. No more wisdom teeth... Ow.

  12. Unless it gets cancelled AGIAN, I'll be getting my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow.

  13. Unless it gets cancelled AGIAN, I'll be getting my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow.

  14. So Thursday evening I went to an Annual Farmer's dinner and helped the guest speaker get the laptop working. And yesterday I get a call from another farmer asking for technical support... I might have just flagged myself up as the 'guy who fixes computers'... Oh dear.

  15. Sorry guys it was my fault the forums where down

  16. Sorry guys it was my fault the forums where down

  17. Um... Just want to ask. Did anyone else have absolutely no access to the forums a minute ago?

  18. Um... Just want to ask. Did anyone else have absolutely no access to the forums a minute ago?

  19. The forum I was on just crashed

  20. The forum I was on just crashed

  21. The forum I was on just crashed

  22. Good morning
