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Spark Falls

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Everything posted by Spark Falls

  1. Guess the next poster!

    oh yah gabe
  2. Last to post wins v3.0

  3. Guess the next poster!

    nope merc
  4. Guess the next poster!

    nope Sup Gabe
  5. Last to post wins v3.0

    I bet you wouldn't beat three of me
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    No just someone with some of the same abilities and charecteristics.
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Well i didn't mean like sae persanality but I meant like somebody else like me. With the same marks on his arms and everything.
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Oh why hello for the first time too. (Spark paused for a minute.) To think if I wasn't able to change my appearance then I probably would have a double as well.
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Aw, well then technicly nice to meet you. (he smiled under his hood and waved to him.)
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Um... hello i guess, he-heh. (he said confused on how she new his name.)
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Hello, nice to meet you.
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    No problamo. (he smiled back) i hope i spelled that right. ME
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    here let me help. (he said helping put the spoons and forks down)
  14. Guess the next poster!

    what up Dylan. NMS?
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    oh, okay thanks. (he replied back)
  16. Last to post wins v3.0

    here yah go
  17. Last to post wins v3.0

    this is a trow back to my favorite youtuber Setosorceror WINNER
  18. Last to post wins v3.0

    (^-^ yes its catbug.
  19. Guess the next poster!

    Im not Shino. but she's Shino
  20. Guess the next poster!

    nope, me again Dylan
  21. Guess the next poster!

    just rying to get your attention Shinomi-chan
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Your welcome, but I really cant tell what time it is. Being in that zone, missed up my since of time.
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Nah i got this, you continue to cook the food. (Spark stood up and walked over to the PA system.) Hello everyone its dinner or lunch time I dont really know but please report to th kitchen please.
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (Spark waited patiently for the food to be finished,) (Lucy was in her room watching soom tv, when she sarted to get hungry so she decided it was finaly time to eat.)
  25. Guess the next poster!

    i dont see no Merc but i can see Skye being the next contestant on the price is right!
