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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    knuckles, the emerald is fine. it's even back where it once was ; i put it there again after you left ... well not me, but sabre. He sure is a joker.... so, now that everything has been taken care of, can you please calm down before i decide to give you the spank of your life for even letting such a thing happen? spleeping in duty should be a crime.
  2. RING RING Telephone!

    Baron's birthday is about seeing Bunnie and Mighty humping Ray's alcohol at Avery's spiky lovable pink cactus of ultimate awesome while eating Matilda's delicious home-made chocolate chip cookies. (this is getting surreal)
  3. Who am I? Sonic edition

    always though it was orange....
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    somewhere.... hum... BROTHERHOOD SECRET .
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    too sexy for us.
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    mustache knuckles... now we are on something .
  7. Who am I? Sonic edition

    the da"" fourth chaos emerald ?
  8. RING RING Telephone!

    Baron's birthday is about seeing Bunnie and Mighty throwing alcohol at Avery's spiky lovable pink cactus of ultimate awesome while eating Matilda's delicious home-made chocolate chip cookies. (WTF)
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    if he is awake, he must be busy asking himself why is face is drawn like that.
  10. RING RING Telephone!

    Baron's birthday is about seeing Bunnie and Mighty throwing Jack at Avery's spiky lovable cactus of ultimate awesome while eating Matilda's delicious home-made chocolate chip cookies. (oh yeah)
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "take some" sure . i'm not doubting on my capacity... but obviously, we are up against another case of overpowering... i'm going to litteraly plug myself in the master emerald, that should help me a lot .
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    dylan, they are sleeping, and these two misfit are willing to hurt them; of course we are gonna watch them!
  13. RING RING Telephone!

    Baron's birthday is about hugging Bunnie and Mighty throwing Jack at Avery's spiky cactus of ultimate awesome while eating Matilda's delicious home-made chocolate chip cookies.
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    they are not considered as threat , dylan; THEY ARE THE TARGET.
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    our strongest card is still marine thought, since she can be so annoying that it will at best, stun them, and at worst, busy the cheerleader enough so i can take him down with blaze help.
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    and with your teleporting ability , you can still leave when things goes sour.
  17. RING RING Telephone!

    Baron's birthday is about hugging Bunnie and Mighty throwing Jack at Avery's spiky cactus of doom while eating Matilda's delicious home-made chocolate chip cookies.
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    well, we got our power, and they got theirs. and i like kittens. So unless they got cute lynx-girl, i'm in to help a fellow guardian.
  19. RING RING Telephone!

    Baron's birthday is about hugging Bunnie and Mighty throwing Jack at Shift E. Wolf's spiky cactus while eating Matilda's delicious home-made chocolate chip cookies.
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    my guess is that they are plotting a revenge of their own against blaze. so, who are we gonna help then?
  21. RING RING Telephone!

    Baron's christmas is about hugging Bunnie and Mighty throwing Jack at Shift E. Wolf's spiky traps while eating Matilda's delicious home-made chocolate chip cookies.
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc:let's say it's dawn .) my pleasure, after all, i aim to please.
  23. RING RING Telephone!

    Baron's christmas is about hugging Bunnie and Mighty throwing Jack at Shift E. Wolf's traps while eating Matilda's delicious home-made chocolate cookies. (i drooling right now)
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: oups, my bad) when he'll wake up. after all, he is quite the lazy fella. well , i have drawn the usual. The classical "drawn eyes with a mustache", and I had a note on his chest "I don't chuckle". there, have a picture. edit: (ooc: i have soomething to do , i won't be online for a while)
  25. RING RING Telephone!

    Baron's christmas is about hugging Bunnie and Mighty throwing Jack at Shift E. Wolf's traps while eating Matilda's delicious cookies. (added value are always good)
