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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Sonic Comics page

    no. I meant, once he was done with the adventure storyline, he could go directly to sonic comic online.
  2. Ken Penders Topic...

    he died from what appeared to be leukemia, or something, due to high emission of chao energy.
  3. Ken Penders Topic...

    Dude, who care? no matter what , Locke is still dead. At best, he might just come back in the comic ! But on the other hand, It appear that Knuckle's mom is going to have even less screen time than before. Too bad. Also, It might break any chance for knuckles of having another mini-serie.
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hey, I heard That one." Said Glen. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Having doubt? what I'l trying to say is that rather than throwing at truth after truth, it's better if you ask about them. it will avoid a quick mindblowing end."Locke Said. "But if you want a question, so be it: Any hope for the future?"
  5. Sonic Comics page

    Well, only the post adventure one. Then it's on to Sonic the comic online.
  6. Sonic Comics page

    hum; interesting..... I might try to take a look at my personnal collection. if I happen to have it, maybe I can hopefully donate it?
  7. Last to post wins v3.0

    Shadow. I have an almost ludicrous amount of games that I possess in double. I have been doing this for years. Well, it was mostly with video game magazine that I already had in double, and that were bundled with free full games (Yeah, joystick and pc gamers were doing this in my country ^^). Then again, it was with good friends and my cousins.... Oh wait! but you are a good friend! So that's cool then :)
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You wish big boy. But I'm way too awesome to be carried back by you. beside,I'll be the one carrying someone, that's for sure." Said Glen.
  9. Sonic Comics page

    Oh. Then that's mean two things. Either the comic didn't load properly, either it's the comic itself that is corrupted. Did you try to download the archive?
  10. So it's Happening: the vita is having great games that we'll be happy to look forward to :)

  11. Sonic Comics page

    Huh , what do you mean exactly ? we got Stc up until the 255 one If I remember .
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Food is indeed good. I like protein. It's good both for me and it please my body. And I won't be THAT drunk." Said Glen. ---------------- "Keeping something from you? No ... in fact , we'd rather have you asking first . I think it's better that way." Said Locke.
  13. Last to post wins v3.0

    well , it's his indeed . But he doesn't seem to mind . Oh well ^_^ he can get it anyway... Oh I almost forgot ! does shadow or you happen to use steam, origins , or desura? Maybe I can get you some nice present :)
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    That's crude. Anyways. Sonic is going through an historic change indeed.
  15. Last to post wins v3.0

    Well, do as you wish, but the win is mine now ^^
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It's not like we were that far anyway." said Glen."Then again, if we take the scenic route...." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Anymore secrets?Well...That might depend on what subject...." "Yes ...Subject indeed...." Said Red
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Are you drunk already ? Then let me walks with you later ." Said Glen. ------/---------- "Well children , you just had a part of your past explained before your eyes . I suppose you are taking it quite well. But at least , that explained why Red was so friendly with you that soon, right ?" " I suppose Locke ... I guess that with peoples like you three around, keeping secrets is going to be hard for everyone ." And red giggled.
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hurray for the driver then." Said glen. ---------------- "Thank... Thank you." Said Red.
  19. Last to post wins v3.0

    No one mentionned him for a while now.
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Red had difficulties to speak ..."It's not that... She...She did not care about you as a child ; but as a tool ... this is why I wasn't very keen on teaching you things.... a mother is supposed to love her child , But I have no idea of how she saw you skye ... I jusy know I'll do my best for you. You two deserve it ." ------------------ "That sound a bit cheesy, But that's cute in a way." Said Glen.
  21. Last to post wins v3.0

    Well it was retconned with Tails' Sky patrol.
  22. Sonic #252 Early Info (POSSIBLY MAJOR SPOILERS)

    Spolier people. I'm not living in a country deserved by archie.
  23. Last to post wins v3.0

    Storm, yay!!!!!
  24. Last to post wins v3.0

    Yes. Adorable indeed ^^
  25. Last to post wins v3.0

    Bark is already adorable. Now he is even more.
