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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Locke sighed."And this is only now that you tell this to the others...."
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Glen looked at Shadow.."Would this have anything to do with this 'assassinatiion' Thing I heard some words about?" Said Glen."Great, looks like I'll have to talk to someone else again....." Before he moved toward the balcony. He eventually got there."Hey." He said to anna. ------------------------------------ "Melody , calm down please." Said Locke.
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Don't worry.. anna ?" Said Glen."I won't say anything. In fact, I was planning to spend the day with everyone favorite Copgirl. At least, when she'll bring brack her teamate from the Gun's medbay." Glen was unaware of a very important fact. ---------------------------------------- "Well, I suppose I won't be able to get far anyways." Said Locke as he looked at Red.
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Boy... I can't help for a comic reader App on my PS3 or Vita, that way, I could have some use for my vita. And I also can't wait for Some multi-platform sonic. I do want a sonic on my Ps3, Pretty please?
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Kids." Said Locke."It's definitively not going to works with me." He was smiling."Beside, today, a lot of thing will happen. How about you take your friend with you?" --------------- "Not so nasty. Maybe... mind screwing. especially if he still this Lunch of him in mind." Said glen."And Rouge, it's already daytime. So yeah, we'll be in for a night in at least 12 hours."
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Glen looked at mina." Zionna drank milk. Loads of it. It make your bone strong and thing ; also you grow up . Or some stuff." Said Glen."But seriouslly, I know one thing for sure : When my alternate will fall on you, he'll have a nasty surprise." He laughed. ------------------------------------------- Locke looked at the two little girl."No guinea pig experiment on Melody." He said."Even if it's about a dream."
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Maybe because you probably found yourself a very good friend." Said Locke." But she'll be back. Also, I do think Glen and his girlfriend will come back today ." He sighed." Anything to get the fact that my ex wife might come is a good thing." ------------------------------------------- "You might be right." Said Glen." Hey guys, I see you are all back. Nice Firework last night."
  8. Last to post wins v3.0

    I just woke up.
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Hum.... it's sega Japan we are talking about. the only cameo the FF got in a sonic game were in Sonic spinball, And it was by the sonic team of america ..... But well, urray for unleashed 2. I want to go and drift fast. By the way, not so out of context, when does all the next games are announced ? Because , while i do see Sonic and mario as an extremly heartwarming game (those who were there during all those flmae war between the two fandom....we salute you). I do wish for something more sonic, more..fast.... More... In fact, with those 3D render of the new FF, why not ? That would be fun.
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Well, i'm following you." Said Glen." But I think she'll be surprise to see you that old all of a sudden." ---------------------------------- "Don't worry," Said Locke."They'll be back. " Locke was sure of this. Shadow would disappear like that after all. ----------------------------------- "Don't worry." Said Sabre"I'm just here to help."
  11. Sally disapointment with the world redo

    Not everyone acted like Penders. But for now, The subject is way too hot to be handled like that. I propose that we wait until the lawsuit is fully done, and that penders Publish his.. how does he call that ? Ah yes, "graphic novel" .... really penders ? Fine, if you want. About the Characters created by Flynn, well.... Just wait. He said That he was eagerly waiting for the next year to show how much the comic will change.
  12. General Trash

    Don't, Just dont.
  13. Last to post wins v3.0

    Don't start this.
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Don't be." Said Red."You can call me however you want Anna." ---------------------------------------- "Yeah. Eventually." Said Glen.
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You really didn't had to call me mom, you know?" Said Red."Now I feel older than I should." She laughed ----------------------------- "I say... We forget about it." Said Glen."How about it ?"
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Glad to meet you anna." Said Red. Well , it was hard for her not to laugh. ----------------------------------------- "What's going on ?" Said Glen."Did the guardian adopted yet ANOTHER child? Man, that would be...." as he got closer , he saw the whole scene. He decided to shut up and let the Little moongoose enjoy her stay."You know what? Forget what I said Zionna"
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'm not forgetting that. But because of these dangerous individual, the overlander have been banned from the island For centuries..." Said Locke."We knew that it was a mistake, as not everyone in a nation should be Punished for the action of few... But the guardian , like the echidna of the time... They were less... open to say the least." He Looked at melody."Sorry Melody. Talking about the past would not make the situation any better anyway. We have to learn from our past, not replaying it again and again.". He heard a noise ."It looks like Min.. Anna is back." Locke wasn't sure of which name use. ------------------------------------ "I'll let you Choose." Said Glen, smiling.
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Locke took a serious face."Long before the .... julian's initiative, your family wasn't exactly the most peaceful , hope." Said Locke."They tried to lead the overlander to take over the floating island more than once. And one time, they even tried to destroy it. If it wasn't for the sacrifice of the youngest guardian of the time..." Locke couldn't bring himself to finish.
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Any problem?" Asked Sabre."While i'm not as good as locke or..."tobor" , I stilll do have some knowledge. Maybe I could be of assistance."
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "No, not the family." Said Locke"My bet is that before the end of the week, the family might get even biger one way or another,wether I like it or not." And looked at Hope."Brain scrambling? Control? Leave that to the evil side of your family will you?" He lookd sad."their own insanity already cost dearly to the echidna as a whole.... it even took the life of one of ours..." --------------------------------- "Hum... maybe not today." Said Glen."We can leave them be at least until the end of the week, right? They do deserve that. For now, what you shouuld do is seeing how your teamate is doing."
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "That's , Zionna, is what comes with being a professional." Said Glen."Now be cute and put a tracker on them. That way, you won't loose them anytime soon." ---------------------------------------- "Yes, Yes. I do see your point."Said Sabre. ------------------------------------------ "Well people, especially You Melody, I'm might have my say in many thing concerning you. Especially this dream thing." Said Locke."Some kids want a pet. Some others want toys. Some even wanted Parents. What you got is a new sister. that's great of course,But now is time to stop." ------------------------------------------- "Here we are." Said Spectre.
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I know this situation isn't the best for you Skye, But i'll try to make it up to you, Ok ?" Said Locke. ------------------------------ "What a professionnal." Said Glen."I wish I was that good."
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "The penthouse Is suprislingly calm." Said Locke."Would everyone happen to have fallen asleep again?" -------------------------------------- "Looks like our little Break together is over." Said Glen."Maybe they'll let us 5 more minute, don't you think?" as he got his head up and gave zionna a kiss on the forehead.
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Assuming we get to find them all." Said Locke. ------------------------------------ "Yes, that is what I said It would deserve a story later on. Not now obviously. " Said Glen."As i'd rather enjoy resting my head on your lap than working my head off in yet another Job for the DEL ."
  25. Sally disapointment with the world redo

    To be fair with you, It must have been one hell of a kick for flynn and his crew. But just between, he sngle handlely got the comic out of his dark age and "Highschool" plot. He will prevail in the end. ps: Penders, Your book better be good, or I'll be disappointed. Duke nuke forever disappointed.
