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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (Ooc: Red is seeing anna as a sister . That's even better ) "Celebrity lifestyle ?" Asked Mina."Well , i cannot really say i'm living the life of thise stars on Television... Since I like to keep it simple..." She kept on."I'm often on the road , and I mainly live for music and those I love and cares about ." She smiled a bit."That's how I got to meet Glen ."
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    ""Crowley , I'm living with the guardian of a source of unlimited power . My two children are coming from a place full of violence and hatred, and even if they try to move on, it might try to bite them back. And then...." Red stopped for a while."There is us ..... A peaceful life might never be possible for the two of us. You know that..."
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You saw what happenned yesterday Crowley . It won't ." Said Red. --------- "A preference ? Not really," Said Tikal. --------- "Dylan...." Said Locke upset."What is going on ?" --------- "Yeah ."Said Glen, as if to answer both Mina and Zionna .
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Tikal cheered up even more . ---------- "Ah yes..." Said Red."Those were the days.... hopefully for you , I highly doubt action is going to leave our lives that easily ." ----------- "welll....."Started Mina."He said That the handsome looking echidna was alright , and that his foxy girlfriends wasn't the one she was looking like ... In other words , The both of you are completely different people than the one I though you were . Again, I'd like to apologise ."
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Oh yes." Said Red."But that was fun." ---------- "Hold on." Said Mina."If you know glen..." "Why don't you simply call him ? That would save us troubles...." Mina's cheek suddenly got red."Oh my ... maybe I should have done that in the first time." And so she did . she walk a bit far of everyone and started her call. after a little time, she came back."I'm... sorry about that people , that was quite rude of me to act like this..." She looked at Zionna "Well , I suppose I could always take you with me for lunch , right ? After all , Glen's family are also mine !" She said Happily .
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'm following you." Said Red."Let's hope this won't end up like at moebius biggest casino , ha ha ." She reminded a bit of that."With us running out of here our pockets full of money and dozen of guards on Our back ." ------------ Tikal cheered them a bit . ------------------ "Someone else ?" Said Mina ."I don't think so , foxy girl ! I know that you are fionna !" She got closer ."You think that just changing clothe could have fooled anyone ? " "Hey! Slow down mina . You name is Mina right?" Said Glen. "Well of course it is ! Got memory loss now ?" Asked Mina . "Look... I'm not .. Glen. I know him, he is ... a relative ." Started glen."And this girl here , sure as hell isn't ... what's her name anyways?" "Fionna fox." "Yeah, fionna , whatever... You get the idea !!!"
  7. Next RP standing by...

    Don't be too harsh. I suppose TDH won't last any longer , especially if goefrey is so adamant in "killing".
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Alright, I'm counting on you."Said Tikal. -------------- "Thank you ." Said Glen. When suddenly he heard someone else . "GLEN ! IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL WORKING ? " It was a moongoose that strangely looked like anna ."Wait what?" He tried to answer but ... "And don't play like that! What Would honey think of that if she knew you were seein other girl.... " The moongoose was shocked to see who was there with Glen."Are you crazy glen ? this woman is dangerous !!!!" Yup, no doubt on it , Glen and zionna had just met Mina and her boyfriend .
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    " a casino ? Well, with my luck , and your hands , maybe we could win a lot indeed ." Said Red. ----------- Tikal laughed . But it was a genuine one, not a laugh of mockery. --------- "You'll never get fat, that is for sure." Said Glen.
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "just don't keep me waiting." Said Red."I'm a woman that loves attention from others." ---------------------------- "Ah ah, maybe later on ." Said Glen."we wouldn't want you to get fatter in less than one week right ?" Said Glen before kissing her on the neck."Who is my little crimson fox? who? well it's you." The two moongoose eventually got near Glen and Zionna, who still haven't saw them yet. -------------------------- "What is the other?" Said Locke."I do feel like being humored today." -------------------------- "I'm fine ." Said Tikal."Beside, you need someone to keep an eye on you, or else, those coins are going to disappear faster than you can run." she joked
  11. Last to post wins v3.0

    Not anymore little one.
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Up to me , huh?" Said red."You really are a gentleman . But as a lady , I like to be surprised . So please, go on and make a choice . Anything would be nice. After all, I'm a woman open to everything ." ---------- "Joining you? I'm affraid I'm not ready for that yet." Said Tikal."Maybe later on ." ----------- "Yes she isn't around . Just you, me, the bench , and our cuddles . " Said Glen."I really wouldn't ask for more ..." At the same time , two moongoose were making their way on their direction....
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Well , that was Fun."Said Red."What now ?"
  14. Last to post wins v3.0

    Here, have some tuna while I take the lead.
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yes." Said Glen."Beside, we both love cuddles, he he." (Ooc: The situation with Glen and zionna is becoming even worse than Tikal. In order to make thing less dull, I might have an idea. I'm going to bring in the soongoose, and have her Meet The two lovers. Hilarity might ensue. Anyone is fine with that?) ---------------------------------- Tikal got closer of the dancing machine, looking at the moving screen. ----------------------------------- "I guess you are more than willing to jjust go with the flow then." Said Locke.
  16. Turn out that the welch that died recently wasn't Tails' VA , but someone else Altogether. Crazy, right?

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      It seems so, but don't worry, I had checked and you weren't the only one to get it wrong

  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Or maybe they just try to avoid some resident to try and go all the way outside of their bedroom." Said Glen."Because of you know, the fact that this is a public area."He finished, cuddling her even more. ------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, going out, meeting people, doing something you wanted to do for years.... There are many things to do for someone like you...." Said Locke. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tikal tagged along, looking around the arcade, impressed that so many technologic advancement were used for the sole purpose of entertaining... She stopped, and looked at Anna and melody playing. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "In another place, at roughly the same time, A red furred echidna with a cat at his side was now sturggling to wake, and get up. That his, until his alarm rang, and blasted some old music in his ears. "Aww man, couldn't I get just 5 more minute ?" He said, obviously annoyed by the radio."Chance are those five minute, woould have turned into 5 hours." Said The catgirl near him."Hey, you are the one sleeping all day long...." "Annd you are the one who dare to follow my sleeping pattern." "And so? I knw you like it when someone is awake near you." "I prefer when they aren't as party-goer as you are; though you behaved for once, this is nice." "Thank you miss." "And now, what are we going to do today?" "Well, look at the time.... Wow, that late? It's already lunch time ! well.... I was thinking about getting those kids we saw yesterday to meet mina." "So, you haven't forgot?" "Of course not ! The little moongoose girl sure has some potential, And mina kind of want to meet her too now That I talk to her about it." "And so it begin: Works, works and works. I'm sure it's about something else too..." "Of course there is something else. You'll just have to find out by yourself....." And the two of them eventually moved on to the bathroom to get themselve both ready and awake. A long day was upon them...Or at least, a part of it.
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I guess I'll join you then." Said Tikal , before she turned toward skye."And beside, if you need me, I can always come back to you, thanks to you know what." She smiled. ------------------------------------------ "So a tie it is then." Said Red, also scoring a strike. ------------------------------------------- "I hope they aren't ." Said Glen. --------------------------------------------- "Not much actually."Said Locke."Don't you happen a list of things you'd like to do?"
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "A normal life? Well, I had a fairly normal one before..." Said tikal."Well, clinging on to skye wouldn't be good to him either." ------------------------------------------- "Maybe, but one's freedom end where start the other's, my dear cop." Said Glen ----------------------------------------- "Look at that, it's a tie. and it's the last round. This is almost too cliché " joked Red.
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "wonderful."Said Glen."I just hope we don't get arrested for doing this in public..." ---------------------------------------- "I'll think about it." said Tikal."For now, maybe I'll enjoy the time with Skye."
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "well Zionna,how are you feeling now?" Asked Glen Quietly.. ------------------------------------- "I guess I could go for something new" Said Tikal."But later on. Those shop don't really...Talk to me..." -------------------------------------- And so didd red, By doing two wonderful Strike.
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It's...better you don'tt know Skye...." Said Tikal. (ooc: She got to be the unwilling witness of many years of war and destruction, so, I guess it's understandable....) "New style? what would you mean?" ------------------------------------------- "So dylan, what now?" asked Locke."you seem a little ... out of here today." --------------------------------- "Thank you Zionna." Said Glen as he snuggled her a little. ------------------------------------ "always the confident one."
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "well, before your coming, thing weren't really better." Said Tikal." And not just loose ends, like some might say." -------------------------- "Nothing Zionna." Said Glen." Just enjoy the moment, Like we both should." ------------------------------ Red finally got back on her feet and was on a tie with crowley."Well, feeling my breath on your neck now, little one?"
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I suppose the fact that nothing good really happened to us all recently is to blame then?" Asked Tikal. ----------------------------------------------------- "Alright, I don't mind a single." Said Glen.
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Tikal listened and understood what Skye said. She nodded in agreement. ------------------------ "No really . We don't need to "Do" anything , in fact." Said Glen.
