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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. If it's any help, I can always try to find the alternate endings (from the variant covers) and post them here and/or on the STH, Universe & MM topics when they're released. That way, the uploader(s) can continue to upload the standard versions (with the standard ending) as usual, but you can still see the alternate endings.

    How does that sound to you guys?

    Well for the Mega Man series I will buy both, for the Sonic Universe comics too. Perhaps I can give you the Mega Man Comics for the forum and for the community.

    The digital version of course, but I do not spend all my money on in, so I choose the Sonic the Hedgehog Comics not to buy. The main and the variant. I don't have a cash cow!

    Edit: Wait hold on....is this only for StH 259, SU 62 and MM36 and not a project for the future?

  2. To be clear:

    Each version is the same from pages one to nineteen. Page Twenty will change depending on which issue you get. Each ending will be canon, but the story arc will be concluded the same in each issue.

    You will not need to buy both to finish the arc you were already invested in.

    - Ian Flynn (Link)

    So SCANF how do the website published it? The Variant Covers and the story too or only the main story?

  3. Dam it! I was to late! I read it in the Google+ Group of Archie Comics.

    So...there will be "only" two more pages (on Sonic the Hedgehog, Universe and Mega Man) as an alternative ending or is the second ending an new story of the Saga?

    I do not really understand how does this works (?)

    Money Grabber....jeah it is. The Arc Comics are a money grabber too right? Everything besides from the three basic comics from Flynn have the purpose to earn money...

  4. Awwww Omega is definitely my favourit charakter of Team Dark! When Eclipse took the bomb he was dacing like a balett queen to fight Eclipse to have is bomb back.

    The mixture of humor, action and this "buddy-buddy" moments were in this comic the best. I hope Eclipse is no one-charakter-for-the-Saga, and he deserves more attention, joining GUN (for example) or something else. He isn't only a Black Arms soldier and a slave from Black Death (his design is way more cooler, than his predecessor). I am so ecited about the last comic of the Shadow Fall Saga!
