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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. Well...258

    Kinda...NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE...really I like the problems and the action and the cliffhangers more in the old universe. Now they are a team...but in only one issue they only chasing this train (!) to rescue Chuck and the professor.

    I don't like this style: The problems are getting closer and there is a climax in this comic and then a lazy cliffhanger because we all know: The robot will loose (it would be a surprise if not).

    In the old universe you have ALL THE TIME the action and you are eager with Sonic because the comic itself has many up and downs :/ Sorry Flynn but you can do it better like in Sonic Universe. There you have now 2 problems to handle: The bomb and Black Arms leader Black Death, so now there we have two things to handle and there isn't such this structive construction like in 258.

    (My reaction is confusing...I know)
