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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. How does politics go in your place, Centaur Man?

    In Germany every 4 years we have to vote for the parlament of Germany. We have different factions, which are different in their aspects so there are many who are on the left and on the right wing. Every fraction has one politican who will be the new federal chancellor (I don't know the word for "Bundeskanzler")-> So when the CDU win, Angela Merkel is the new federal chancellor. And there is also all 4 years that you vote for your "state" in Germany, because you have a tiny parlament in your own state. And you have a big city or borough, there you have to vote also in 4 years a new parlament.

    Inuki: I am a student too ^o^/

    146 ...poor Dylan xD
