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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man


    Also, to talk about Jon Lim, he does humans well... but not so much anthropomorphic animals, which he makes square double eyes... Warning, large images...



    But you see the differences on the dog: He is more painted in a "realistic form" not in the one we know from the Sonic the Hedgehog or Mega Man issues. I have a bad feeling when they try to start to draw animals from this realistic way to the Archie Comic-style.


    Btw: Nova FTW!

  2. just be turned against poor Mega Man!


    Awww yeah I feel so sadly for the Robot, who killed all Robot Master from MM3. Must be so hard to be popular and to win all battles :'P

    Wait - so if there is a new cover, then MM45 came out? One week earlier? Nice.

  3. The Archie comics should be more like megaman megamix were it doesn't always follow the games timeline.


    They actually do it. Or I think they will do it with Mega Man Gigamix and the adaptation of Mega Man V and bring up the Stardoids and Ra Moon. The Storyline in the flashbacks we've seen at MM42 were kinda similar to a part of the storyline of MM Gigamix (Terra who is protecting Ra Moon with Shadow Man and other Robot Masters and also these two guardians).



    I get your point Centaur Man it's just that.. since they don't actually "die" since they'll be rebuilt I just can't feel sad for them since they still get a second chance...


    I can only hope that with rebuilding them, they don't loose characteristic points :/


  4. But Sega do know that sonic is doing well on mobile phone since the 3 sonic exclusively was a totally failure I blame the wii u for that and sonic lost world and sonic boom rise of lyrics were bad games.


    Well SSBB was a great Wii U game and the Wii U is not as bad as everyone say. It wasn't just really necessary because everyone loved the Wii and then the Wii U came out and everyone had this "Nintendo give people every 2 years a new console without needing them"-Feeling. Bugs has less to do with the console, more with the game itself. They could done this better. SEGA has the potential to do it, but doesn't use it and this is making me sad.

  5. also... am I the only one here who doesn't seem to feel sad for the robot masters?


    That's a big problem in the Mega Man World.


    There is a huge number of Robot Masters with so much personalities which you can all bring together and they all have the potential to change their way and to be independent like Proto Man in the Archie Comics but on the other hand the game just see the Robot Master as every other boss and only as "machines", who are fighting against Mega Man. I am sure this will be a problem when the Mega Man 10 adapation will begin, because there you have...around 50 Robot Masters? All built by Wily? All in one castle? That could be a huge problem for the Blue Bomber and also I would think it is a little boring. I hope after "Legends of the Blue Bomber" and after Worlds Collide 2.0. the robots from MM2 and MM3 will be rebuilt again. I would miss Quick Man and Crash Man.
