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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Last to post wins v3.0

    *Walks in, disguised by the red cape, stands and says nothing*
  2. Last to post wins v3.0

    The funniest part was Shadow turning into Hatsune Miku. I couldn't hold it.
  3. Last to post wins v3.0

    Anyways... Everybody seen this video already? It's HILARIOUS
  4. Last to post wins v3.0

    Two is always better than one. At least, that's what I heard
  5. Last to post wins v3.0

    Meh, nobody will beat Neo Metal Sonic his record in the general trash, I can assure that. Maybe. I spammed the whole forum that I became a video maker so I think you are aware by now that I make videos xD http://youtu.be/BT3HI6hqM8M Nah, Knuckles wouldn't smash it. The moon looks beautiful, why would anyone ruin that D: *cough cough*
  6. Last to post wins v3.0

    I'm not aware of anything, but oki. Thank you very much Locke, I'm getting more used to video making now so it's only going to get better and better and butter :3 I'm gonna build a second moon made out of cheese, and then I'm gonna write the words CHEERLEADER WINS in it so everybody can see it from down there on the planet.
  7. Last to post wins v3.0

    I don't send that much to trash, except when it's either off-topic or rulebreaking.
  8. Last to post wins v3.0

    I'm away for 4 hours and look what a mess some people made D: Max created a new thread for no apparent reason because there IS already a thread for sth #252 spoilers. Some guys love to keep me busy it seems. Oh well, still love you all <3
  9. Animal Crossing New Leaf

    I have only played the DS version (wild world) and it was pretty fun, I spend alot of hours in it. Do not expect to see anyone online though. I have no idea about the Gamecube version, but I'm hearing very positive reactions about it, so you might check it out sometime.
  10. Sonic #252 Early Info (POSSIBLY MAJOR SPOILERS)

    No you don't. There is already a thread dedicated to #252 spoilers, so there is no use for creating a thread. If you want to give info, do it in the respentative thread (this one) or send the info to the creator so he can put it in his first post so people can read it.
  11. Last to post wins v3.0

    Knuckles, did you make the new moon of cheese too? The old one was at least :3
  12. Last to post wins v3.0

    1. Oh 2. You 3. Making 4. Me 5. Blush :3 Off to work for real now bye
  13. Last to post wins v3.0

    1. Off to work 2. Off to work 3. Because I love you dilly 4. Off to work 5. Friendly friends <333
  14. Last to post wins v3.0

    1. Yes I am aware of that, but you still don't need to tell me what to do. Just warning >:3 2. But I did 3. Will do that next time 4. Meh 5. Nope
  15. Last to post wins v3.0

    1. Dylan, you should NEVER tell me what to do. Could only turn against you. 2. The moon is made out of Cheese, so it isn't that big of a loss 3. Yes, because I know you hate Blaze style teleporting 4. Hey Locke, he was wrong indeed but I take the win. 5. Don't worry Dylan, still love you <3 But the win is for le me.
  16. Last to post wins v3.0

    And then the cheerleader appears, destroys the moon and teleports next to Dylan at Blaze style leaving a note ''HAHA! WINNING!''
  17. Audio perfect, video quality to 1080p. Yes, finally everything is working as I want it to. Huraay!!!

    1. Shadow


      Nothing to see here guys, let's move on

    2. Danny Felixe
    3. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Prod of you , neo? That suck now.... I wanted to join in...

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  18. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Tufftee Acorn from Sonic the Comic?
  19. First of all, welcome to the forums. I've checked the issue and for me, it's working completely fine. Therefore, I have no idea how to solve your problem but you might want to test out some options I listed below: - Restart your browser/remove history/use different browser. Helps always for me anyways. - Did you click on one of the pages? Because there you can select the next page too by clicking on one of the white arrows on each side. Is it just comic 162 or are other comics a problem too? Please try out the options above, it could possibly help. Oh, and considering it's a bug, you might want to put your question into the General Bug Report/Suggestions thread.
  20. The Final Fantasy Discussion

    There's already a topic for the Final Fantasy Franchise, thus making your thread invalid. Therefore, I do not have an answer unfortunately. I myself got a PSP 3000 and everything seems to be working fine. I do own a memory card however, so there could be a possibility yes.
  21. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Antoinne D' Coolette
  22. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Kragok of the house of Dimitri.
  23. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Elias Acorn
  24. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Johnny Lightfoot. But I prefer to call him Bugs Bunny.
