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Everything posted by Device

  1. Pokemon!

    It looks pretty good! I might have to finally get back into the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. I loved the first one, so I bought the DS one. After starting it, I just kind of got distracted and never went back. ;/
  2. General Mega Man thread

    Did you guys see the Mega Man Legacy Collection they announced? I dunno if we really needed ANOTHER collection... but at least this one has a bunch of extra stuff that makes it worth it. Looks like it will be pretty cheap also.   Can we get a new Mega Man game please? D;
  3. I'm pretty surprised they are doing this so soon... Shattered Crystal wasn't bad at least. It really just looks like the same game but some new mechanics and levels. Oh and Amy... but I think she should have been unlockable in the old one at the end honestly. As always... I will buy it and play it though xD
  4. Games that you recently finished

    Splatoon! - I've been playing this game almost nonstop since it came out. I love it so much! I finished the story mode which was actually pretty short and I have been playing a good bit of online. If anyone gets this game, the story mode really helps you get better at online play. Oh and the final boss was amazing! I haven't fought such a epic boss in a long time. I'd love to have some company if anyone else plans on playing online!
  5.   He's grown on me too. I actually like him as Sonic now.   As for this game... I haven't played one since the first one that came out. I just had to buy it since it was the first time Mario and Sonic were in a game together. lol
  6. Games that you recently finished

    Mario Kart 8 - I just finished 3 starring all cups on 200cc and finally unlocked my gold glider for the 10000 coins. So unless they come out with more DLC for it, I am officially done with Mario Kart 8! I mean I'll still play online with friends and such...but I don't think I'll play much 200cc anymore. Those later tracks were pretty rough when you are going so fast lol   Oh and just in time for Splatoon!
  7. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

      I would't say they are not doing that well... the Sonic Boom games sold terrible for Sonic games, but seems like the show is doing well and will definitely push the toys to sell.   As for Capcom, they have enough IP's to keep them going for a long time. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is the best selling MH game to date here in the States(Sold over 1 million copies already). And lets not forget about Street Fighter 5 and a new Ace Attorney game coming out pretty soon.
  8. Ban the above poster

    Banned because Pens are friends, not food.
  9. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Late late late... but   Happy Birthday BlueBlur and Knuckles!
  10. Last to post wins v3.0

    I hope so! It's good to see my friends happy ;D
