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Posts posted by Katzdoomin

  1. I used to play MC every day, but for now I find it kinda boring. You're just collecting stuff to build more stuff to kill Enderdragon, and that's... well, it. I don't like mods very much too. They often ruin feeling of Minecraft (like weapons mod) and they can be a pain to install. Though overall the game is not bad. Can't wait what they'll add in next update.

    Some new stuff is alredy here, and I like it. And I also don't really like texture packs. Only couple, and I don't even use them.

    1 person likes this

  2. Your English is great!

    Oh hey, thanks. :)

    Excluding your note saying that your English isn't that great. It's supposed to be '..my english skills AREN'T so awesome. Kinda ironic that your english was great until you said it wasn't.

    Huh, yeap.

  3. Well... if you want post something (for example) about today's news or something like that, and don't want to create a whole topic, feel free to just post it here.

    PS. Yep, my english skills isn't so awesome, don't you think?
