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Everything posted by Troublethecat

  1. Ken Penders Topic...

    Well, okay, yeah. Doing things for the sake of doing them is dumb, especially in Rotor's case, because Rotor's been around since SATAM and is well established as a character. Kneecaps though was created by Penders in the first place, so Penders kind of had more of a right to decide what Kneecaps sexuality was/would be in 25TYL, especially since he's only a baby in the present time of the comic so he had zero characterization at that point anyway. However, like I said you're also right about how it would've been problematic then to introduce that into a kid's comic, but only because parents would've complained and there would've been a lot of controversy. They might have a bit more luck nowadays, but even then people probably would still complain, so I doubt they'd ever do it.
  2. Ken Penders Topic...

    Oh noes, the kids might have caught teh gey! *facepalm* I don't care if that's not what you mean. That's what you sound like. I don't like Penders and I don't like what the lawsuit might potentially do to the comic, but can you guys either give me a non-homophobic reason why Rotor and Kneecaps being gay would've been a bad thing*, or shut up about it? Really, come on you guys. Please don't go there. (*The only answer that I'll accept as not homophobic is that the Soccer Moms would've B*tched about it, which I'm sure is their reason for only kind of hinting it to begin with anyway.)
