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Posts posted by Katmuffin

  1. "Certain people wait years before betrayal just to make that much more painful," Veran replied, "Or until it gives them the most profit." Myra looked surprised, so did Tirade. "That's a little dark, Veran, even for you," Myra said 

  2. "Who's training them?" Myra asked. Honey looked excited, "Can they teach me to climb on walls?" Honey asked. Tirade turned around, "Honey you can fly, you don't need to climb on walls." "But it's cool!" Honey whined.

  3. "If we can get a place in this city, that might work, but what about now? I say that we stay at this Haven place then untill then." Tirade said. "Alright then, but I don't want to stay there any longer than we have to." Varen replied.

  4. Tirade looked at Myra, "That would be nice, but I don't think Veran would agree," Tirade replied. "And I don't," Veran said, "as soon as we get my leg treated we will be leaving." Myra stared at Veran, "And where will we be leaving to?"
