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Posts posted by Katmuffin

  1. Also, everybody was really nice when I jumped in randomly, so if there's a thread you want to join, just go for it. 

    P.S. If we're going to do the Easter egg hunt I call Amy or Cream (and Cheese!)

  2. I would tottally join you in your desperate cause, I've been sercretlly hoping that there woukd be another law suite or something, that allowed Ian Flinn to at least finish the story lines. Also because he doesn't seem to be going any where with lost hedgehog tales. I mean, cutting off abruptly like that at any time would of been painful enough. But at a dramatic climax like it did? (Probably to keep readers through the crossover.) I practically died when we got nothing on metal sally. Also we lost all the best characters, and know nothing about the new ones! There's no way I can play most of the Sonic games to get a better idea about this new world  I don't have that money, and I'm saving for breath of the wild.

    And that's the end of the angry rant I've scripted out in my head since the reboot. Sorry if you're sick of this kind of stuff.

  3. "Oh!" Myra replied, and read Peggy's message, "Peggy wants us to meet her at G's dad's place."

    - -

    "I'll tell them that." Peggy replied, and left. She stood outside and waited for everybody to come.

  4. Peggy looked at the note in her hand, "If I want to get G to trust the rest of the group, I should probably bring them along... but I want to do this alone." She thought. "But the rest need to be given a chance to earn his trust." She looked at Ian, "Do you mind repeating this to some other people? I've got a feeling that this is going to have to be a group effort." She said, taking out her phone, and sending Myra a quick message with the address of Ian's home.

    (Skye is the phone right now, so it's up to him to pass it along.)

    - -

    "Getting a body is still top priority though." Myra replied.

