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Geoffrey St John

Archie World

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This may not be the kind of story intended to be here but i wrote this some time ago and think it needs a spot light so enjoy it.

Chapter one: The story Begins

It is the 17th of September 2013 while most people were treating it as a normal day, the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise fans were not. Ever since Sega annouced a game involving all the much loved Comic characters the fans were waiting for the glorious day "Archie World" would be released. The game with be on the PC with updates available for registered users when completed. The day of release was finally here and hundreads of people rushed to the nearest game shop they could to get a copy before they sold out. A 22 year old man was first in his home town to get a copy only because his brother was the one who opened that paticular store every morning. Now with the game in hand he rushed home to play the game as soon as he could.

As soon as he got home he rushed upstairs and started up his PC then began opening up the game. Five minutes later the PC was fully powered up so he inserted the disk and began installing the game. At that moment he decided he would read the manual while it installs to give himself an idea of what he has to do in the game. "Page one Welcome to Archie world. Inn this world you get the chance to unlock and battle with all your favorite characters from the Archie universe and some secret added bonuses. There are several ways to unlock a character within the game. One of which is to obtain every comic they appeared within. For more detail turn to page 3" The man did as instructed and turned to page three.

"Page 3 The Comics. There are several uses for the comics within the game. One of which is to read any issues you want to during gameplay. The comics can also be used inn the studio where you can make tribute videos using any songs saved on the PC the game is running on. The use of the images in slideshow form with a fitting song choice could unlock the character tributed. The decision of if you did a good job is made by the server admins and could take up to 24 hours to be made. You will know when a decision has been made because a message will be sent to your game inbox. Another way to use the comics is to obtain all the issues that a character appeared in to unlock that character. Also any character you unlock gives you all comic pannels involving that character's image or dialog. Comics can be obtained from the server store using rings collected within the game. Comics can also be obtained when all parts of any issue have been obtained."

The man was about to turn the page to read up on the rings when his computer ding saying he was invited to a group chat. He quickly accepted and saw three of his friends got the game too and were about to start it up. He then got a pop up saying installation complete so He quickly started up the game too. The first thing the game asked was for a username he quickly typed inn The Ixis Hero. More questions were asked and he breezed through them until he reached the part to design your Avatar. He chose to be a Skunk with the same hair style as Geoffrey St John but instead of it being Black and white he set it purple and red. Other than a pair of grey gloves and a blue bandana tied around the neck his avatar had no clothes. At that moment a pop up appeared. "New clothing options avaible within the game" That made the man smile as he proceeded to enter the game server.

As soon as his avatar appeared on the server it appeared inn a large computer room. His avatar walked to the counter and asked for a Character name and Player world name. He entered Kramer for the character name and Ixis Kingdom for the player world. Then a pop up appeared that said "Welcome Kramer to the Mobian databanks this is where new player register to our database. If you would like a tour of the basic areas of Archie world click accept" He clicked accept and began to follow a arrow inn front of him.

"That counter with the Ring sign over it is the ring bank you can store your rings there if you don't want to lose them during one of the adventures. The counter with the Sega sign above is where you can obtain any of the updates for previously unlocked items. The counter with the Archie logo is where you can buy comics using your rings. It has an unlimited stock and new issues are added upon the day of release. That door with the musical note is the studio where you can create any dedication video you wish to. The studio costs a 100 ring fee for each hour you use it. That stump is the digital slide which takes you to Mobius where you can to on any adventures or enter any of the events held by the server.

If you look at the top right of your screen you will see a image of a planet. That is your player world click that and you will teleport to your player world Ixis Kingdom. It is currently an empty space with a small cave and log cabin for your avatar to sleep. The cave is your emerald mine when you can send your avatar or an unlocked character to mine for chaos emeralds. It isn't guarenteed you will gain an emerald every time you send someone to mine but when successful you could gain one of several emeralds. The most common is the green emerald which is worth 10000 rings. You can upgrade your world by unlocking characters and as a result unlocking things belonging to them. As an example if you were to Unlock Nicole you would gain New Mobotropolis here on your player world.

It is possible to visit other player worlds via the world console by the registration desk. And peopke who visit your world can aid you inn mining for emeralds if they wish too. If you have a player on your friends list you just have to click their name on your friends list to visit their world. There are many more parts to this game but that is up to you to find out on your own. So as the tour spirit on behalf of all the staff here at Archie World enjoy this game." Said the tour voice. Now excited by all the possibilites of the game Kramer quickly ran to the stump and began his way to Mobius.

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